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KATAHDIN Get Kvlt In Konnectikut.

[Oct 5,2011 11:27am - hauptpflucker ""]
Silly internet blog describes Katahdin as having a "straight old school Norwegian vibe"


KATAHDIN Get Kvlt In Konnectikut.

Okay, call me crazy but I don’t think of Connecticut as black metal territory. I mean, I’ve listened to black metal from all over the world, but I think Katahdin might be the first black metal band I’ve heard from Connecticut. Their sound is raw and aggressive, straight old-school Norwegian vibe to ‘em. This is actually the only song I’ve heard by the band, but I like it enough that I might end up checking out their upcoming split with In Human Form and Aoi. This new song that the band has posted, which happens to be off of the aforementioned split is a crazy, fast-paced blackened assault. I dig it a lot. Check out the track below and if you’re into ‘em, check out more tunes on their Facebook page. Katahdin’s three-way split will be released in October. Enjoy.


[Oct 5,2011 11:49am - Alexecutioner ""]
Move to CT about it and start a CTBM facebook group or....
[Oct 5,2011 11:49am - ShadowSD ""]
Konnectikvlt is brø
[Oct 5,2011 11:50am - boblovesmusic ""]
Clearly that dude hasn't heard Ipsissimus haha

That said, cool press bro!
[Oct 5,2011 11:52am - Alexecutioner ""]
pretty awesome that the dude only heard one song from you guys and was compelled enough to do a write up about it. congratz guys
[Oct 5,2011 5:17pm - RossGnarly  ""]
Silly internet blog, eh?
[Oct 5,2011 5:29pm - hauptpflucker ""]
I am so sorry Mr Gnarly. I will never again defame your lauded publication. ;)
[Oct 5,2011 5:54pm - goatcatalyst ""]
Connectacunt is pretty F-word N-word but y'all niggaz bring tha noize. Killer tracks on that split. Your Satans are reddening.
[Oct 6,2011 10:48am - hauptpflucker ""]
Thanks Ryan!
[Oct 6,2011 11:13am - the_reverend ""]
On my way to the real katahdin.
[Oct 6,2011 12:09pm - goatcatalyst ""]

the_reverend said:On my way to the real katpissden.


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