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The Simpsons facing cancellation

[Oct 4,2011 9:11pm - Pires ""]
Source: IGN.com

After over two decades, FOX's legendary animated series The Simpsons could be coming to an end because of...contract negotiations? The Daily Beast reports that FOX wants the voice cast to take extreme pay cuts.

Currently, the studio and the six principal voice actors are at an "impasse" over salaries and on Monday the executives asked/demanded that the cast take a 45% pay cut or else the show will end. The cast, in return, asked for only a 30% pay cut and a slice of the show's huge back-end profits.

"FOX is taking the position that unless they can cut the production costs really drastically, they'll pull the plug on new shows," a Simpsons insider told The Daily Beast. "The show has made billions in profits over the years and will continue to do so as far as the eye can see down the road. The actors are willing to take a pay cut of roughly a third, but that's not good enough for Fox."

Keep this in mind: the actors currently each make around $8 million dollars a year.

20th Century Fox Television talked to The Hollywood Reporter this morning and said: "23 seasons in, The Simpsons is as creatively vibrant as ever and beloved by millions around the world. We believe this brilliant series can and should continue, but we cannot produce future seasons under its current financial model. We are hopeful that we can reach an agreement with the voice cast that allows The Simpsons to go on entertaining audiences with original episodes for many years to come."

:bartnormal: :moe: :wiggam: :stupidflanders: :ralphie: :itchy: :sctachy: :krusty: :bartmoon: :duffbeer:
[Oct 4,2011 9:53pm - Alx_Casket ""]
canceled because they heard me say it wasn't funny?
[Oct 4,2011 10:11pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
[Oct 4,2011 10:20pm - xmikex ""]

Zombie Simpsons go away already
[Oct 5,2011 2:07pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
haha zombie simpsons
[Oct 5,2011 2:47pm - ShadowSD ""]
Fox can't stop being stupid. They syndicate the show and get a cut of those profits, and the syndication value goes up the more seasons there are.
[Oct 5,2011 2:55pm - arktouros ""]
They cancelled Arrested Development. They keep rehashing talent shows as a cash cow. The Simpsons is a gold mine and the actor's pay rates are crumbs compared to the revenue it continues to make. Network blows. What do you expect, it's NewsCorp.

fwiw, the newest Simpsons was pretty damn good.
[Oct 5,2011 3:23pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Oct 5,2011 3:32pm - posbleak ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:good.

[Oct 5,2011 4:17pm - arilliusbm ""]
ITT: people who haven't seen the last season
[Oct 5,2011 4:24pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
.. and people who have been let down too much to bother.
[Oct 5,2011 4:36pm - arilliusbm ""]
.. and people that should be like ark and attempt to watch them
[Oct 5,2011 4:43pm - AndrewBastard ""]
its kinda like new cannibal corpse and deicide...its probably OK...but I just dont give a shit any more
[Oct 5,2011 4:53pm - largefreakatzero ""]
New Deicide falls far below "ok" status.
[Oct 5,2011 4:58pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

arilliusbm said:.. and people that should be like ark and attempt to watch them

ive checked out some of them and they arent bad. i just dont give a shit anymore. i'd rather just enjoy the old episodes.
[Oct 5,2011 5:32pm - AndrewBastard ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
arilliusbm said:.. and people that should be like ark and attempt to watch them

they arent bad. i just dont give a shit anymore.

[Oct 5,2011 6:19pm - arktouros ""]

AndrewBastard said:its kinda like new cannibal corpse and deicide...its probably OK...but I just dont give a shit any more
that is a true.
[Oct 5,2011 7:04pm - arilliusbm ""]
You got me there
[Oct 6,2011 7:38am - Yeti ""]
i watched a new one where Sideshow Bob transplanted his face onto his cell mates and moved in next door to the Simpsons. it had some laughable moments, but overall it wasn't worth watching. it was just a Family Guy episode with different characters. as pointed above, i just don't give a shit anymore.
[Oct 6,2011 7:52am - Lamp ""]
That actually does sound funny when you put it that way, albeit for all the wrong reasons... the Simpsons becoming a ripoff of a show that spawned because it was ripping off the Simpsons.
[Oct 6,2011 9:07am - arilliusbm ""]
The new ones are hit or miss.
[Oct 6,2011 9:20am - RustyPS ""]
Not that I've been watching recent episodes of The Simpsons, but why don't you stopping green lighting shitty shows like New Girl, which is a complete waste of money...maybe then you wouldn't have to ask the cast of a show that's been successful for over 2 decades to take large pay cuts to survive
[Oct 6,2011 9:26am - AndrewBastard ""]
i dont get the family guy ripping off the simpsons thing

they are both cartoons...ok

they are both about a family...ok

both have stupid dads as the main character

isnt this the case in most/all cartoons?
[Oct 6,2011 9:27am - AndrewBastard ""]
the style of humor is completely different
[Oct 6,2011 10:54am - dreadkill ""]

AndrewBastard said:
both have stupid dads as the main character

isnt this the case in most/all cartoons?

and most live action sitcoms too. stupid fat ugly guy with hot wife who is way out of his league and smartass kids who do quirky clever things is basically the formula for every sitcom aside from workplace sitcoms.
[Oct 6,2011 10:54am - dreadkill ""]
[Oct 7,2011 8:30pm - KEVORD ""]
This queer dead horse will be beaten for two more seasons. Officially!!!!

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