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pants shitting

[Jun 3,2004 8:43pm - eddie ""]
45 minutes ago i got a phone call, it was greg or steve (i forget) calling to ask me if my friend mike(aka dissector on this board) if he could use my bathroom because he just shit his pants. :tightiewhities:

i said sure out of fear... for those of you that don't know mike, in the past he has had some pants shitting... ummm experiences.

well he comes over runs to the bathroom and while hes cleaning himself up we go check out gregs car, which the seat (clad in bags liky for greg) was covered in shit. :shocked: That brings up my first question, Mike why couldn't you keep the shit in your pants?

so because i don't know the story really yet and i'm sure its funny as all hell I want him to give his story.

And anyone else that has had a pants shitting experience, give us your tale of pure fecal horror!!!:skull:

[Jun 3,2004 8:44pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
i have a boner now =(
[Jun 3,2004 8:45pm - JellyFish ""]
Jesus christ, not since I was really young. One year at the burnouts this kid got beat down by some gang and was so fucked up he shit and pissed himself. Felt bad and would have liked to have helped, but I dont need gang problems, thank you very much.
[Jun 3,2004 8:53pm - succubus ""]
<<he has had some pants shitting... ummm experiences. >>
well way to embaress the poor guy..is he gonna kill you for making this thread?

i don't know of people with holding their poop in issues..but i used to know some girls in high school that if you made them laugh really hard they peed in their pants

[Jun 3,2004 9:01pm - CongoogetalZobotomy ""]
i think mike is gonna be both pissed/amused by this, but im not the moron who started this so eddie is just gonna get killed then replaced in the band i guess...
[Jun 3,2004 9:01pm - succubus ""]
[Jun 3,2004 9:03pm - CongoogetalZobotomy ""]
and im glad my car is always full of trash, because if it wasn't there would be shit all over my car right now, and vomit as well...it smelled so bad....im still dry heaving
[Jun 3,2004 9:03pm - eddie ""]
:::and im glad my car is always full of trash, because if it wasn't there would be shit all over my car right now, and vomit as well...it smelled so bad....im still dry heaving:::


mikes not gonna care
[Jun 3,2004 9:12pm - Dissector ""]
Nah I don't care at all, its very amusing. I can't believe how fast you guys spread the word. So heres the whole story:

We left my house, (me, CongoogetalZobotomy, and the Zombie Mosh guy) to go to Armageddon Shop. As we were leaving I said I really had to take a shit but I knew I would be in there for a while so I decided to hold it in fear it would be closed before we got there.

So we get there and I really have to go really really bad, I step outside a few times to fart. Finally I just had to sit down so I got the car keys and sat in the car. All of a sudden...I felt it.

Liquid spewed out of my ass before I even knew it. Then I felt the mega-bomb coming. I tried to take my pants off as fast as i could but the stupid army belt I was wearing made it difficult. So I finally get my pants down, I grab an empty Dunkin Donuts bag, and shit this HUGE turd into it. But the way it came out it spread all over my ass cheaks. so I padded my ass with napkins, padded the seat with empty bags, sat down with my pants off and put my denim jacket over my crotch.

My boxers, my ass, and even my nutsack somehow was covered in shit. I had to ride the whole way home with no pants on and sitting on a giant lump of shit! Not to mention my fingers where covered in shit and the stench had us constantly dry heaving.

It was enjoyable. This is the 4th time this happened in 2 years! But this is by far the best.
[Jun 3,2004 9:15pm - eddie ""]
reminds of a skinless song
[Jun 3,2004 9:16pm - aliciagrace ""]
i would like to proudly announce that i have both peed (numerous times) and shit myself in public

the pooping myself in public thing started off a 2 day marathon of running from the bed to the toilet to the shower. Alicia was amused.
[Jun 3,2004 9:18pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
diarrhea is such a fun thing to have... and incontinence is amazingly humorous.
[Jun 3,2004 9:22pm - aliciagrace ""]
someday spoo, we should have syncronized (sp?) pooping
[Jun 3,2004 9:25pm - eddie ""]
can i join? sounds like fun, haha
[Jun 3,2004 9:28pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
synchronized... close, dear... you get a star! ^_^

and yes... later on in life we whall have a 4 bathroom house and we will synchronize shit with our children. it will make us a closer and more loving family.
[Jun 3,2004 9:30pm - aliciagrace ""]
we're adopting eddie? that works for me as long as he doesnt go through my underwear
[Jun 3,2004 9:31pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
thats if you have underwear, you fucking hippie.
[Jun 3,2004 9:33pm - aliciagrace ""]
today is actually the first day this week i think that ive worn underwear and it feels kind of akward
[Jun 3,2004 9:34pm - succubus ""]
i'm not wearing any now!
worst part is me bending over cleaning the floor and getting groped and probed by my little pervert who's now at a show!
[Jun 3,2004 9:37pm - aliciagrace ""]
i wish i were at a show.....or groping and probing you.....
[Jun 3,2004 9:46pm - succubus ""]
awww come over and we can watch movies on the big screen!
[Jun 3,2004 9:48pm - aliciagrace ""]
Ooo we can have a playdate! ill have spoo drop me off ^_^
[Jun 3,2004 9:48pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
... quit stealing my girl you brazen hussie!
[Jun 3,2004 9:54pm - succubus ""]
you can come too Adam
wait...what the hell does "brazen" mean?

[Jun 3,2004 9:56pm - aliciagrace ""]
i think its a type of metal....a'doy
[Jun 3,2004 10:17pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
i think its a type of SHUT THE FUCK UP!
[Jun 3,2004 10:21pm - eddie ""]

1. marked by flagrant and insolent audacity. c synonyms at shameless. 2. having a loud, usually harsh, resonant sound: "sudden brazen clashes of the soldiers' band" (james joyce). 3. made of brass. 4. resembling brass, as in color or strength.
[Jun 3,2004 10:23pm - aliciagrace ""]
[Jun 3,2004 10:28pm - CongoogetalZobotomy ""]
GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! i got the smell of shit out of my car!
[Jun 3,2004 10:31pm - eddie ""]
how'd you pull that off?

[Jun 3,2004 10:31pm - aliciagrace ""]
thats not good news at all v_v
[Jun 3,2004 10:33pm - CongoogetalZobotomy ""]
i took alot of fabreeze and poured it on EVERYTHING, even the trash on the ground. and i just went to newbury comics (got DRI Thrash Zone) and the smell was gone...for now
[Jun 3,2004 10:39pm - eddie ""]
[Jun 3,2004 10:45pm - CongoogetalZobotomy ""]
...good thing im getting a new car in a few weeks.....
[Jun 3,2004 10:46pm - christraper ""]
[Jun 3,2004 11:33pm - silky ""]
I nearly shit myself at a barbaque last sunday. I had been taking pain killers everyday for the past two weeks, and when I finaly stopped, my guts were quite unhappy. I had to keep wiggling and standing up and sitting back down just to keep the shit inside of me. there was a line of drunk girls waiting for the bathroom that was like twenty feet long, and I had to do the retarded diarrhea dance for about a half an hour before I could take care of business.
[Jun 4,2004 3:37am - powerkok ""]
thats fucking hilarious disssector!
[Jun 4,2004 9:08am - the_reverend ""]
succubus basically re-counted this whole thing to me on my drive home,
[Jun 4,2004 10:12am - tbone_r ""]
this girl at bc got ass fucked by Quinton Porter (the bc quarterback). apparently he jarred something loose cuz she went to the bathroom, and when she came out there was shit all over the toilet, the sink, the walls etc..eventually an RA came in and was so disgusted he let her go. however, later that night the girl got arrested for public drunkenness. while in the backseat of the cruiser she shit her self, but she was wearing a skirt and a thong so the shit went all over the back seat
[Jun 4,2004 10:33am - MyDeadDoll ""]
this thread was just waaaayyyy too much much info for me. thanks all.
[Jun 4,2004 2:49pm - Dissector ""]
In order to get the smell out of my ass and off my nuts had to get a face cloth and liquid soap and wipe my ass with it.
[Jun 4,2004 2:58pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
wouldn't a shower have worked better??
[Jun 4,2004 3:15pm - eddie ""]
:pukeface:Dissector said:In order to get the smell out of my ass and off my nuts had to get a face cloth and liquid soap and wipe my ass with it.

[Jun 4,2004 3:20pm - Dissector ""]
Nope, I took 2 showes, got rid of all the shit stains but not the smell.
[Jun 4,2004 3:45pm - succubus ""]
next time..when you have to go....FIND A BATHROOM!
[Jun 4,2004 3:49pm - Dissector ""]
I refuse to use public toilets. Plus I thought I could hold it, it just all happened so fast.
[Jun 4,2004 5:53pm - Robdeadskin ""]
Cant tell you how many times I had to use the paper bag method myself. It never works out the way you think in your mind its gonna, You would think it just falls into the bag...but it never does for me. I always have to take shits..Im known for it. Click on my name tag and check out my comments for christ sake. I always fart or shit so bad a practice...the members of my band cant even play there instruments through it. We have to stop until the oxegen level returns to a tolrable state.
[Jun 4,2004 6:28pm - swamplorddvm ""]
The drummer from slipknot shits his pants at every show.

That is all.
[Jun 4,2004 10:30pm - CongoogetalZobotomy ""]
yea because he has way to much anal sex before each show and cant hold it in while his drumming
[Jun 4,2004 10:38pm - JellyFish ""]
I guess.
He still shits his pants.
[Feb 4,2006 2:11pm - anonymous  ""]
Is that True??? who is that girl?... i think she might be in one of my classes
[Feb 4,2006 4:12pm - BlackoutRick ""]
What, you don't shit your pants?!?!? Everyone who's cool shits their pants!! *Billy Madison reference*
[Feb 4,2006 4:28pm - the_reverend ""]
well if shitting your pants is cool, you must be miles davis.
[Feb 4,2006 4:41pm - Cecchini ""]
holy shit (PUN!!!), that was the greatest story ever.
[Feb 4,2006 6:57pm - eddie ""]
good times....
[Feb 4,2006 7:00pm - eddie ""]

[Feb 4,2006 9:50pm - infoterror ""]
The most metal pantshitting story ever!
[Feb 5,2006 12:28am - MikeGore  ""]
I like it when the Graffeo makes the pants shit.
[Feb 5,2006 1:13am - davefromthegrave ""]
best thread title ever

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