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seriously all you people suck

[Sep 23,2011 4:53pm - saxlbeckett  ""]
Your a bunch of lowlife faggots who cling to each other because you are all miserable I am quitting this shithole and i hope you all rot in hell together faggots
[Sep 23,2011 4:59pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

[Sep 23,2011 5:00pm - saxlbeckett  ""]
yeah your a furfag
[Sep 23,2011 5:05pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
whats a furfag? sounds svedish
[Sep 23,2011 5:08pm - the_reverend ""]
I get it. FAIL TROLL gets a new IP on spfdma.east.verizon.net
every day.
[Sep 23,2011 5:08pm - saxlbeckett  ""]
a dude who fucks stuffed animals
[Sep 23,2011 5:09pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

the_reverend said:I get it. FAIL TROLL gets a new IP on spfdma.east.verizon.net
every day.

seems like a lot of effort for very little payoff.
[Sep 23,2011 5:21pm - Return To The Troll Admin  ""]

the_reverend said:I get it. FAIL TROLL gets a new IP on spfdma.east.verizon.net
every day.

You really are a simpleton and a n00b. We get a new IP address whenever we want we just take them from people on here when we infect their computers. Verizon is the easiest to infiltrate but when you trace this IP you will see a bit more the riddle of troll. Pay for a vBB and then maybe your security won't suck and you can protect your members.

[Sep 23,2011 5:25pm - troll is eyehatehippies  ""]
troll is eyehatehippies... same douche attitude and from western ma?
[Sep 23,2011 5:25pm - FIST  ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:
the_reverend said:I get it. FAIL TROLL gets a new IP on spfdma.east.verizon.net
every day.

seems like a lot of effort for very little payoff.

It is usually automatic. Pro trolls often use AOL because it changes their IP every time they post. I hear a lot of people troll with Verizon because they change IPs a lot too and there are a lot of people so is easy for them to hide.

[Sep 23,2011 5:26pm - saxlbeckett  ""]

troll%20is%20eyehatehippies said:troll is eyehatehippies... same douche attitude and from western ma?

northampton not springfield
[Sep 23,2011 5:28pm - swampthing  ""]
still think Aril
[Sep 23,2011 5:28pm - troll is eyehatehippies  ""]
western ma isnt very big i bet noho routes through spfld
[Sep 23,2011 5:29pm - troll is eyehatehippies  ""]
plus both are faggots
[Sep 23,2011 5:30pm - troll is eyehatehippies  ""]
you are a faggot
[Sep 23,2011 5:30pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Return%20To%20The%20Troll%20Admin said:
the_reverend said:I get it. FAIL TROLL gets a new IP on spfdma.east.verizon.net
every day.

You really are a simpleton and a n00b. We get a new IP address whenever we want we just take them from people on here when we infect their computers. Verizon is the easiest to infiltrate but when you trace this IP you will see a bit more the riddle of troll. Pay for a vBB and then maybe your security won't suck and you can protect your members.

protect your members.

[Sep 23,2011 5:31pm - troll is eyehatehippies  ""]
all the same ip
[Sep 23,2011 5:49pm - troll is eyehatehippies  ""]
you are a faggot
[Sep 23,2011 5:57pm - slarilliusnomaamarktourosismyancientcatalystalot  ""]
scott troll gave himself away when he didnt mention anything about how noone likes deathamphetamine
[Sep 23,2011 5:58pm - saxlbeckett  ""]
no one likes deathamphetamine
[Sep 23,2011 5:58pm - saxlbeckett  ""]
wait are they from w. mass?
[Sep 23,2011 6:00pm - slarilliusnomaamarktourosismyancientcatalystalot  ""]
[Sep 23,2011 6:01pm - slarilliusnomaamarktourosismyancientcatalystalot  ""]
ok lemme ask you this....KIRK OR PICARD???
[Sep 23,2011 6:03pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

slarilliusnomaamarktourosismyancientcatalystalot said:scott troll gave himself away when he didnt mention anything about how noone likes deathamphetamine

haha, perfect.
[Sep 23,2011 6:05pm - arktouros ""]

Return%20To%20The%20Troll%20Admin said:We get a new IP address whenever we want we just take them from people on here when we infect their computers.

lol wat
[Sep 23,2011 6:16pm - nekronaut ""]
[Sep 23,2011 6:34pm - S.Axl.Beckett ""]
LOL at me calling anyone a faggot.
[Sep 23,2011 6:35pm - S.Axl.Beckett ""]
Without calling people fags, trolls can't say much I guess.
[Sep 23,2011 6:40pm - fuckface_ninja_retard ""]
[Sep 23,2011 6:41pm - demitri  ""]
hahahahah WOW.
[Sep 23,2011 6:43pm - hauptpflucker ""]
I know some fairly cool "faggots" who make good music and do many other wonderful things quite adeptly as well.
[Sep 23,2011 6:53pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
As a counterpoint, some of the biggest faggots I know fuck girls, exclusively.
[Sep 23,2011 6:53pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Conversely, I can name a dude or two that you'd never call "faggot", they just happen to fuck dudes.
[Sep 23,2011 6:54pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Apparently, words can have connotation outside their Anglo-Saxon root and/or dictionary definition - who knew?
[Sep 23,2011 6:57pm - hauptpflucker ""]
Words worth pondering for sure.
[Sep 23,2011 7:03pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

hauptpflucker said:Wordsworth pondering for sure.


He is nigh-inscrutable, I'll give you that.
[Sep 23,2011 7:05pm - S.Axl.Beckett ""]
I don't care. I get/have been called faggot way too many times in my life. I still don't call anyone that. That is unless you are a douche in a blue pickup truck outside Fenway park trying to hit me on my bike.
[Sep 23,2011 7:08pm - S.Axl.Beckett ""]
I hate the fact that I am caught up in any of this internet bullshit right now. I am going to go to some real things.
[Sep 23,2011 7:19pm - hauptpflucker ""]

slarilliusnomaamarktourosismyancientcatalystalot said:scott troll gave himself away when he didnt mention anything about how noone likes deathamphetamine
[Sep 24,2011 7:17am - ancient master  ""]

S.Axl.Beckett said:I hate the fact that I am caught up in any of this internet bullshit right now. I am going to go to some real things.

[Sep 24,2011 7:25am - ancient master  ""]

slarilliusnomaamarktourosismyancientcatalystalot said:ok lemme ask you this....KIRK OR PICARD???

[Sep 24,2011 7:51am - ancient master  ""]
wasn't me

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