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Trying to start a grind/dbeat/hardcore/noise band

[Sep 19,2011 3:40pm - Whattaya  ""]
So I am here looking to start a Hardcore/Dbeat/Grindy/Noise band. I know some people will think it's cheesy but there's going to be two vocalists. So, we have vocals and bass, we need guitars and drums. We have a space available in Auburn, MA where we can jam any day after 8pm. Please have semi-decent equipment so we can play out without having to worry if your gear isn't going to work at a show. 21+ So we can play bars. If interested respond here and I can contact you via email. Take care.
[Sep 19,2011 3:43pm - Alx_Casket ""]
dress code?
[Sep 19,2011 3:47pm - grind head  ""]
Can we write song about scarlet johanson's ass? if so i am in for playing drums. email angelfruitcuntcraving@yahoo.com
[Sep 19,2011 3:53pm - Lamp ""]
Could you post some specific bands you're influenced by? If you have two vocalists can I safely assume you're going for somewhat of a Disrupt/ENT sound by the genres listed? This sounds like it could be awesome, actually.
[Sep 19,2011 4:05pm - Whattaya  ""]
Dress code is birthday suit at all times. As for influences, I'm thinking discordance axis, tragedy/his hero is gone, converge, as the sun sets, weekend nachos, hope conspiracy. Honestly just mean and pissed off, blood and guts.
[Sep 19,2011 4:06pm - Lamp ""]
I'd say us being on the same page is about half and half now. Hmm...
[Sep 19,2011 5:14pm - Yeti ""]
Auburn huh? i grew up in Auburn. where the hell is there a place to practice?
[Sep 20,2011 8:12am - ancient master  ""]
u should name ur band something with "auburn" in the name
[Sep 20,2011 8:41am - hauptpflucker ""]
His Hero is Auburn
[Sep 20,2011 5:12pm - Whattaya  ""]
On rt 20 near motorsports international
[Sep 20,2011 5:13pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

ancient%20master said:u should name ur band something with "auburn" in the name

some douchebags apparently already did. which doesnt make any sense becaues they are from MA and not even from Auburn MA. wtf?

[Sep 20,2011 7:27pm - FAIL TROLL  ""]

[Sep 21,2011 12:45pm - brodown ""]
I'm definitely curious about this Auburn practice space...
[Sep 21,2011 12:48pm - Whattaya  ""]
I'm building a recording studio in auburn and there is space to practice.
[Sep 21,2011 12:49pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Sep 21,2011 12:50pm - brodown ""]
ahh, not so much with the commercially available practice rooms?
[Sep 21,2011 5:22pm - dertoxia ""]
I'm a guitarist. I'm in this band:http://www.facebook.com/pages/Psytoxia/157337367617330?sk=app_2405167945 I live near Albany so it'd be a bit of a hike but possibly do-able. Fair warning, not sure how serious I'd be able to be about it, but you never know. If you don't have any serious leads on guitarists closer to Auburn and you're still looking shoot me an email. psytoxiaguitarATgmailDOTcom.
[Sep 23,2011 8:07am - FAIL TROLL  ""]

[Sep 23,2011 1:42pm - Fist  ""]
You are a stupid fuck fail troll.
[Sep 25,2011 2:32pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]

Whattaya said:I'm building a recording studio in auburn and there is space to practice.

would it be possible to rent a room? my rock band is from auburn/worcester and we are getting sick scheduling around the drummer's parents. you know how it goes.
[Oct 16,2011 1:35pm - Vali  ""]
I'm a drummer and would be up for it. I live in Boston so it would be a little bit of a hike but not a problem for me. I also have a space in Everett so we could also jam there.
[Oct 16,2011 2:11pm - josh_hates_you ""]
will there be breakdowns?
[Oct 16,2011 3:02pm - slar you morbid?  ""]
band name suggestions:
monday morning loaded potato skins
humpday fiesta bowl
T.G.I.Fridays frozen taquitos
labor day don miguel chimichanga
2 week unpaid suspension chile verde quesedilla
government holiday reheated cheesy gordita crunch
[Oct 16,2011 4:54pm - Vali  ""]
[Oct 17,2011 10:26pm - slar you morbid?  ""]
spring break enchiladas
[Oct 17,2011 11:21pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Biannual Chilaquiles
[Oct 17,2011 11:22pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Guy Fawkes Day Enchiritos
[Oct 23,2011 6:30pm - BroGuyDude  ""]
Still looking for a drummer? I work right by motorsports international and live in Screwsbury. What's your email?
[Oct 24,2011 11:16am - adamtimenli  ""]
hot fudge monday
[Oct 24,2011 11:24am - Ancient_Master ""]
assclown balloon brigade

[Oct 24,2011 1:03pm - Yeti ""]
Ash Wednesday foie gras

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