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Nothing Compares to Buttsex (Sinead O'Connor trolling the internet for anal)

[Aug 31,2011 10:36am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
can't make this shit up

[Aug 31,2011 10:38am - the_reverend ""]
yeah, I read that earlier in the week. she also looks like she ate the old sinead.
[Aug 31,2011 12:22pm - Wrengasm ""]
Wrengasm, likes this.
[Aug 31,2011 2:11pm - KILLER KADOOGAMANTIUM  ""]

6 hours ago

Bipolar she may be, but this is exactly the sort of thing that leads to becoming trans-dimensional fuck buddies with James Joyce. I bet he knows his way around the “tradesmans entrance” and these posts read a lot like his letters to his wife.
[Aug 31,2011 2:11pm - KILLER KADOOGAMANTIUM  ""]
from that site
[Aug 31,2011 2:15pm - narkybark ""]
rip up the pope about it
[Aug 31,2011 2:23pm - pam ""]
This made my whole day a little brighter yesterday.
[Aug 31,2011 2:24pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
why, are you a candidate?
[Aug 31,2011 2:27pm - pam ""]
I'd put my dick in her ass, why not?
[Aug 31,2011 2:41pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Nothing Compares to Docking
[Aug 31,2011 2:52pm - narkybark ""]
Nothing Compares to Poo
[Aug 31,2011 3:05pm - Doomkid ""]

pam said:I'd put my dick in her ass, why not?

Sinead thinks you're too young and supple.
[Aug 31,2011 3:06pm - Sacreligion ""]

There are some high quality quotes in that one too. I may have to add "Difficult Brown" to the band name list.

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