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Saturday, Sept 24 @ Cherry St: ELDER, Nightbitch, Thrillhouse

[show listing]  _______________________________________
[Aug 29,2011 10:56pm - goatcatalyst ""]
this will be so fucking phat


Saturday, Sept 24th

Cherry St. Station - Wallingford, CT
8pm $8 21+ No Falses

Cold Northern Vengeance
Stone Titan

Heavymetals in the night!!!!!!!!!1!

[Aug 29,2011 11:23pm - Lamp nli  ""]
Holy moly that's a great lineup.

Stone Titan are my boys, yo
[Aug 29,2011 11:44pm - LucidCurse ""]
what a dank fucking show
[Aug 30,2011 12:32am - nekronaut ""]

[Aug 30,2011 12:41am - goatcatalyst ""]
if u dont worshipe tony iomy, you are a fugging retarted
[Aug 30,2011 3:34am - Charles Rivera  ""]
no falses yet that hipster stoner band Elder is playing?
[Aug 30,2011 7:26am - Yeti ""]

goatcatalyst said:if u dont worshipe tony iomy, you are a fugging retarted

mark this. i don't think i've ever seen a Goat post that wasn't grammatically correct. i suspect copious amounts of wh(b)iskey. or Satan.
[Sep 15,2011 5:57am - frankovhell  ""]
Jack Daniels if you please.
[Sep 16,2011 1:14am - goatcatalyst ""]
Unfortunately, Cold Northern Vengeance and Stone Titan are unable to play. Thrillhouse replaces them. I may add another or just say fuck it and play some records while I get more drunker.
[Sep 16,2011 1:34am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Bummer N word
[Sep 16,2011 1:39am - goatcatalyst ""]
F-word L-word T-word

This show just got more gooder

PILGRIM (RI) added
[Sep 16,2011 10:14am - ghoulash ""]
it's going to be a rough drive home.
[Sep 16,2011 10:28am - ghoulash ""]
I have to say, I'm psyched as hell it play this venue again. I've not been here since I was in a band called, "A Terrible Night for a Curse" and a band called Psyopus was playing.
[Sep 16,2011 10:41am - dreadkill ""]

goatcatalyst said:if u dont worshipe tony iomy, you are a fugging retarted

iommi is the best
[Sep 16,2011 11:41am - goatcatalyst ""]
Aaaand Pilgrim just cancelled. Fuck. Oh well. Worst comes to worst, I'll just play Judas Priest vinyl in between bands and we'll all get hammered. Looking forward to playing with Thrillhouse for goddamn!

[Sep 16,2011 12:29pm - eyehatehippies ""]
That's a cool billing.

Judas Priest vinyl is made of win. Play "Victim Of Changes" for me.

And if you've got the reissues, with their cover of Gun's song, "Race With The Devil", make sure to give the Devil his due as well.
[Sep 16,2011 1:17pm - Yeti ""]

eyehatehippies said:That's a cool billing.

Butthurt Priest vinyl is made of win. Play "Victim Of Butthurt" for me.

And if you've got the reissues, with their cover of Gun's song, "Butthurt With The Devil", make sure to give the Devil his due as well.

[Sep 16,2011 3:42pm - goatcatalyst ""]
just updated the flyer and made this $6. if i do add another band (not likely), i'll bump it back up to $8. i like to pay bands.
[Sep 16,2011 3:42pm - goatcatalyst ""]
* and pay myself back for the $131 I'll be dropping on bisque
[Sep 22,2011 1:33pm - goatcatalystnli  ""]
bump for Saturday
[Sep 22,2011 1:34pm - Illiterate troll  ""]
Can't read the fluyer but Aril says he going
[Sep 24,2011 4:06pm - kevinthesprigg ""]
[Sep 24,2011 4:29pm - ThrilliVanilli  ""]
Fist bump. Looking forward to playing this. Heard good things about elder
[Sep 24,2011 4:59pm - nekronautloggedin  ""]
Not going. This lineup sucks. All hipsters and posers.
[Sep 24,2011 5:07pm - nekronautloggedin  ""]
Seriously anyone who puts NO FALSES on a flyer obviously doubts there own credibility. Weak.
[Sep 24,2011 5:08pm - nekronaut ""]
Not going, but I would if I could. This lineup rules. All legit dudes who are in it to win it.
[Sep 24,2011 5:20pm - goatcatalyst ""]

nekronautloggedin said:Seriously anyone who puts NO FALSES on a flyer obviously doubts there own credibility. Weak.

The tip of my golden prick has more credibility than you could ever aspire to, F-word N-word A-word T-word B-word C-word. I will sodomize your anonymouth for all eternity and do the Red Satan on your grave.
[Sep 24,2011 5:21pm - ThrilliVanilli  ""]
All that glitters is not gold. Sodomize anon and you will sodomize yourself. Taste and see.
[Sep 24,2011 5:24pm - goatkabbalist  ""]
I am going to the show and will make sure to sodomize Red Satan.
[Sep 24,2011 5:27pm - Red Satan  ""]
I am not showing up Ryan. Non serviam. You have no power over me.
[Sep 24,2011 5:28pm - saxlbeckett  ""]
all the same ip
[Sep 24,2011 5:29pm - burnsy nli  ""]
Ryan is a poser with all this pseudo satan bullshit he is full of.
[Sep 24,2011 5:31pm - goatcatalyst ""]
aren't secret admirers cute?
[Sep 24,2011 5:32pm - burnsy nli  ""]
You tell me. The only admirers you have are in your imagination.
[Sep 24,2011 5:36pm - saxlbeckett  ""]
It's a trap Ryan. Don't take the bait. We're working on a solution to this but these people are serious.
[Sep 24,2011 5:40pm - saxlbeckett  ""]
And don't log in. That's the trap. They get your ip.

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