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the feds may come and take your prized guitar away...

[Aug 28,2011 1:25am - xgodzillax ""]

[Aug 28,2011 2:13am - josh_hates_you ""]
[Aug 28,2011 10:20pm - Lamp ""]
I'd be the same way with my SG that Charlton Heston was with his guns...

You're going to have to rip it from my cold, dead hands.
[Aug 29,2011 7:57am - blue ""]
Ill stab them with a frozen turd if they touch my Les Paul.
[Aug 29,2011 8:12am - ShadowSD ""]
Sounds like this only could happen in the extremely rare circumstance of someone taking their vintage guitars through the airport, which requires one to be able to afford vintage guitars, international travel, and then to consider traveling with the guitars everywhere.

Even in that case, probably less of a chance of this happening than the guitar being sent to the wrong country and getting lost.
[Aug 29,2011 8:22am - ShadowSD ""]
I love the bs tone of the article at the end though "I want to protect the arts, it's not because I work for WSJ and get paid to discredit environmentalism on behalf of major corporations, it's because artists and musicians, I'M ON YOUR SIDE"

Yeah I bet this suit goes to shows all the time, they must think we're fucking idiots.
[Aug 29,2011 9:20am - timma ""]
Luckily, I'm way to low rent to have any boutique equipment...but nonetheless, this is absolute bullshit.
[Aug 29,2011 9:31am - blue ""]
Low rent does not equate to not owning boutique gear. Only using life expense funds to purchase gear is real.
[Aug 29,2011 9:32am - timma ""]
Duly noted. Then I am most certainly keepin' real, that's for sure.
[Aug 29,2011 10:09am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

blue said:Low rent does not equate to not owning boutique gear. Only using life expense funds to purchase gear is real.

dont forget about inheritences as well. if my dad left me a guitar that was later taken away by the federal government i would go into a homicidal rage.
[Aug 29,2011 11:17am - Doomkid ""]

xgodzillax said:http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142405...111904787404576530520471223268.html


NOPE. They will take it away if its made of un-certified endangered and you're trying to cross international borders without documentation. Or, as in this article, they'll raid manufacturers they suspect of using illegal materials. Read then post Henny Penny.
[Aug 29,2011 11:27am - Mutis ""]
[Aug 29,2011 3:25pm - Yeti ""]

Doomkid said:
xgodzillax said:http://online.wsj.com/article/SB1000142405...111904787404576530520471223268.html


NOPE. They will take it away if its made of un-certified endangered and you're trying to cross international borders without documentation. Or, as in this article, they'll raid manufacturers they suspect of using illegal materials. Read then post Henny Penny.

seriously. if a company is engaging in illegal activity and the feds come and raid it, it's called LAW ENFORCEMENT. oh wait, THEY TOOK AR GEETARS!!!
[Aug 29,2011 4:52pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Aug 29,2011 5:00pm - reimroc ""]
[Aug 29,2011 5:08pm - Yeti ""]
i hope they aren't guilty of anything and something good comes out of it.
[Aug 29,2011 5:40pm - demondave ""]

xgodzillax said: the feds may come and take your prized guitar away.

Rightfully so. That's what you get for not following the rules.

[Aug 29,2011 9:26pm - xgodzillax ""]

Doomkid said:Read then post Henny Penny.

what the fuck is your problem with me? instead of posting a snarky comment to try and prove that I "didnt read" the article, why dont you PM me. I DID read the article because, unbeknownst to you, I am literate. but I guess referring to people on this here message board as "faggots" for acting like faggots, makes me uneducated. cool story bro. man up or shut the fuck up. im not hard to find.
[Aug 29,2011 10:25pm - Doomkid ""]
I didn't try and "prove" you didn't read the article, I was responding to the misrepresentation in your subject line, along with the cryptic content of your original post. I don't think I've ever asserted that you were an illiterate though I may have confirmed your idiocy elsewhere. Your attempt to call me out for a physical conflict in real life is precisely why I get snarky with you.
[Aug 29,2011 10:47pm - xgodzillax ""]
did I call you out to fight? no I didnt. all I said was "man up, im not hard to find"

you got a problem, find me. talk to me. or, if need be, throw hands. other than that, shut the fuck up.
[Aug 29,2011 11:01pm - ridahsofdizoom  ""]
only RTTP fights are real
[Aug 29,2011 11:26pm - xgodzillax ""]

[Aug 30,2011 4:19am - GeminiII ""]
Gibson Custom Les Paul owners beware... you have ebony fretboards. And man..do they play nice. That sucks though if the govt has the ability tol steal our vintage LP guitars...or martins,....whatever.

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