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Diamond Head - September 1st, NYC

[Aug 19,2011 6:58pm - NuclearWinter ""]
B.B. King's Blues Club
$16 in advance $20 at the door

[Aug 19,2011 7:06pm - NuclearWinter ""]


[Aug 19,2011 7:13pm - goatcatalyst ""]
That's potentially phat. They any good 30 years on?
[Aug 19,2011 7:14pm - NuclearWinter ""]
Well, apparently CARMINE saw them in CA last night and mentioned they'd be worth the trip.
[Aug 19,2011 7:21pm - AndrewBastard ""]
holy balls
[Aug 19,2011 7:22pm - the_reverend ""]
No.. Way!
[Aug 21,2011 3:24am - mike pile  ""]
they were playing in seattle but seattle is gross so I eat slice and play pinball for 3 hours instead. The End.

Having seen Blue Oyster Cult a few months ago taught me that after a certain point it is best to just stay home and listen to the records and watch show bootlegs or you will be bummed.
[Aug 22,2011 12:00am - Blessed Offal NLI  ""]

mike%20pile said:after a certain point it is best to just stay home and listen to the records and watch show bootlegs or you will be bummed.
agreed. I love me some diamond head, but its 2011
[Aug 22,2011 1:08am - blue ""]
^agreed 100%, but i would probably still poop myself to see some DH live.

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