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Howl & Thrillhouse. 8/11/11 @ New Wave Cafe. $7.

[show listing]  ________________________________________
[Aug 8,2011 12:37am - kevinthesprigg ""]

[Aug 8,2011 12:39am - kevinthesprigg ""]
Facebook event here.
[Aug 8,2011 8:21pm - kevinthesprigg ""]
Bump for riffs.
[Aug 8,2011 9:33pm - fags  ""]
Figures!!!Two hipster bands, one with a bunch of fags on a label and their new buddies Thrillfags. So I assume thrillfags will eventually be more hipster too and end up on a label considering I saw one of their fags working at a cd store in mass once. G A Y...Die Hipster fags Die. Anti hipster Anti Scene Anti these bands. Guys, we have to make a list of all the hipster bands and members to boycott. The posers in both these bands arent Satanic and cant you see they are mocking black metal by making upside down crosses and 6.66 admission. Come on fags try a little harder you gaylords. It aint funny and I am sick of fucking hipster 2005 overnighters. Oh, I am sorry, maybe 2001-2002 at best. go die...
[Aug 8,2011 9:46pm - Big bag of assorted nigger parts  ""]
Never heard of either of them, but that's a cool image on the flyer. Can't blame them for trying I guess, maybe they're hoping some corpsepainted-types show up to be goofed on (before the venue gets burned down Norway-style). Burzum or GTFO.
[Aug 8,2011 10:13pm - fags  ""]
Kill the hipster fags too or GTFO. That is a black metal order and take it seriously or GTFO.
[Aug 8,2011 11:09pm - goatcatalyst ""]
You don't know how to do the Red Satan. Eat my shit.
[Aug 9,2011 10:31am - tylor ""]
anyone who likes metal is now a hipster
[Aug 9,2011 10:34am - RustyPS should be working  ""]
maybe I'm caring too much about what a shithead troll is saying, but you do realize no member of either band made that flyer or decided on what the cover is for the show, right?
[Aug 9,2011 11:03am - hipsterpolice  ""]
heard the singer from Howl is a rapist and has used his
new found hipster cred to pry even more hipster girlie legs apart?
[Aug 9,2011 11:11am - FuckIsMySignature ""]

tylor said:anyone who likes music is now a hipster

[Aug 9,2011 11:16am - ShadowSD ""]
No shit, I heard The New Wave was shut down a couple months ago because of tax issues and was done, glad to see it's all resolved.
[Aug 9,2011 1:05pm - LucidCurse ""]
howl is terribly terrible
[Aug 9,2011 1:06pm - RichHorror ""]

LucidCurse said:The New Wave Cafe is terribly terrible and T.A. dude is a faggot.
[Aug 9,2011 6:19pm - GuitarGSS  ""]
Can Grave Side Service open this show?
[Aug 10,2011 12:09am - Hipster List  ""]
Yeah, that's it. Add graveside Shitvice to the show and you really wont have an audience. I saw them eat shit at the as220 show and I walked out because I stood in awe of their hipsterness. I couldn't believe it. They were black metallers playing a hipster venue and yet claimed to hate hipsters. Eat Shit.
[Aug 10,2011 5:22pm - ghoulash ""]
if you have not seen howl with their new guitar player, you have to give em another go.
[Aug 10,2011 5:25pm - ANTHIPSTA  ""]
[Aug 10,2011 5:27pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Hipster haters are officially more annoying than hipsters. both can shut the fuck up and die plz.
[Aug 11,2011 5:14pm - iamahipster  ""]
[Aug 11,2011 5:21pm - Yeti ""]
i heard you like hipsters so we put hipsters in your hipster metal so you can metal while you hipster and hipster while you metal.

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