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My Morning Jacket - Holding Onto Black Metal

[Aug 7,2011 12:25pm - boblovesmusic ""]


Not sure how I feel about this haha, curious the response here.
[Aug 7,2011 12:53pm - KEVORD ""]
Holdin' On To Black Metal"

It's a darkness you can't deny
But it don't belong in a grown up mind
Suppose you'll find this place in a youngster's eyes
Coming into life you needn't cry
But as a boy you gotta let it go
You'll find out something is good
Oh black metal you're so misunderstood

Holdin' on to black metal
(Black metal)
Holdin' on to black metal
(Black metal)
Black metal you've been holding on too long

Oh black metal, so misunderstood
Don't turn yourself into Lucifer's fool
Black metal feeds those young, enough is enough
Wants refills out of Lucifer's cup
Black metal lead to and your teenage pop
Look at you starchild you're all grown up

Still holdin' on to black metal
(Black metal)
Still holdin' on to black metal
(Black metal)
Black metal you've been holding on too long

Catch your waves on Lucifer's beach
Taking shade and underneath Lucifer's trees
Getting sustenance from Lucifer's peach
Oh black metal it's a fact in all your speech

Holdin' on to black metal
(Black metal)
Holdin' on to black metal
(Black metal)
Black metal you've been holding on too long

(Black metal)
(Black metal)
Oh bring them to me
(Black metal)
Oh making me think
(Black metal)
Oh one, two, three
Let's rock!

[Aug 7,2011 3:04pm - Lich King  ""]
Black Metal Sucks
[Aug 8,2011 1:55pm - chrisREX  ""]
Ha! I saw that they had this song title, but I doubted it was about black metal music. Goofy.

The Mountain Goats do indie songs about heavy metal better.

[Aug 8,2011 2:01pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i cant quite tell what their stance is on the subject based on the lyrics. meh song from a good band though.
[Aug 8,2011 2:06pm - Mutis ""]
Agreed on the stance. It's like they're afraid to say something. This is raviolis. Only Atom and his Package is real.

[Aug 8,2011 2:43pm - thesac ""]
i woke up to this on the tv and it said "holding on to black meta".

i blame the jews
[Aug 28,2011 11:33pm - arilliusbm ""]
lol this song is great IMO. This album is pretty good :-X

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