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Got a 12 - 15 passenger van? Want to make some $$$?

[Aug 3,2011 5:04pm - aaron_michael ""]
We need a van from August 17th to the 22nd for our trip down to VA and our regulars fell through.

We'll obviously give you $$$ to be able to use it!
[Aug 3,2011 5:04pm - dyingmuse ""]
Talk to Paul in CNV?
[Aug 3,2011 5:07pm - Alx_Casket ""]
where do dark passengers get to sit?
[Aug 3,2011 5:07pm - brian_dc ""]
back of the bus
[Aug 3,2011 5:20pm - aaron_michael ""]
do you have Paul's contact info? you can e-mail it to me at aaron.heinold@gmail.com
[Aug 5,2011 10:26am - aaron_michael ""]
[Aug 5,2011 1:48pm - the_reverend ""]
I would do terrible things in the back seat of that van.
[Aug 7,2011 11:48am - aaron_michael ""]

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