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Now Find a show to go to!

Aug 16 (Tue) - Victims (Sweden), Morne, Furnace, Blood Of The Gods - Great Scott's (Allston, MA)

Tuesday Aug. 16th @ Great Scott, Allston MA - VICTIMS (Sweden), MORNE, FURNACE, BLOOD OF THE GODS, 8pm, $10, 18+

Great Scott's (Allston, MA) - [blood_of_the_gods][furnace][morne][victims]
[show listing]  _______________________________________
[Aug 1,2011 2:58pm - BloodOfTheJeff ""]
Tuesday August 16th @ Great Scott, Allston MA, 8pm, $10, 18+

Victims (Sweden)- http://www.facebook.com/pages/VICTIMS/232645836200

Morne- http://www.facebook.com/mornecrust

Furnace- http://www.facebook.com/furnaces

Blood Of The Gods- http://www.facebook.com/bloodofthegods

This show is going to be insane!

[Aug 1,2011 3:02pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
hmmm this be a good show!
[Aug 1,2011 5:58pm - all booze no ages  ""]
hope victims is twice as drunk as last time
[Aug 2,2011 7:58am - Robing ""]
[Aug 4,2011 9:16am - Robing ""]
[Aug 5,2011 7:46pm - Robing ""]
[Aug 6,2011 10:06pm - BloodOfTheJeff ""]
Bump for the show to go to on the 16th
[Aug 6,2011 10:30pm - AndrewBastard ""]
i love that flyer
[Aug 8,2011 8:59am - Robing ""]
[Aug 8,2011 3:12pm - Robing ""]
[Aug 9,2011 2:26pm - BloodOfTheJeff ""]
[Aug 10,2011 3:25pm - Robing ""]
Get pumped
[Aug 14,2011 1:11am - late_rising ""]

[Aug 14,2011 2:14am - trg  ""]
On my birthday, will definitely have to attend this.
[Aug 14,2011 2:23am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Yuh shows gonna rule.
[Aug 15,2011 6:09am - Robing ""]
Tomorrow night tix still available at Great Scott over early!
[Aug 15,2011 9:05am - the_reverend ""]
this is the beginning of my "why the fuck do I do this to myself" week with shows like every day,
[Aug 15,2011 9:20am - Mark_R ""]
Hope I can pay at the door
[Aug 15,2011 9:39pm - Robing ""]
Yup everyone should be able to pay at the door!
[Aug 15,2011 10:03pm - Robing ""]
[Aug 15,2011 10:31pm - xgodzillax ""]
is this sold out? I heard its already sold out. confirm?
[Aug 16,2011 12:09am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Don't saythat this was my tuesday main event
[Aug 16,2011 6:21am - Robing ""]
Check the great scott site to see if it's sold out, but I highly doubt it on a Tuesday night.
[Aug 16,2011 9:01am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Excellent, haven't seen Victims since their tour with trash talk and coliseum. Will attend
[Aug 16,2011 11:34am - Robing ""]
This is tonight tickets at door only 10 bucks!
[Aug 16,2011 11:59am - AndrewBastard ""]
[Aug 16,2011 12:06pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm super tired and have to drive a crap load before this, but I should be there.
[Aug 16,2011 12:08pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]

the_reverend said:I'm super tired and have to drive a crap load before this, but I should be there.

excuses excuses
[Aug 16,2011 1:36pm - Robing ""]
[Aug 16,2011 2:32pm - BloodOfTheJeff ""]
[Aug 16,2011 3:00pm - Robing ""]
Set times.
Victims 11:55 or earlier pending on set changes. 11:30 to be safe
Morne 10:55
Blood Of The Gods-9:30
[Aug 16,2011 3:54pm - xgodzillax ""]
heard its still sold out
[Aug 16,2011 5:07pm - Robing ""]
You heard wrong your friends must be retarded.
[Aug 16,2011 8:37pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
Be there in like 30 min
[Aug 16,2011 8:52pm - nekronaut ""]
Somebody pay for me, no $$.

Frodo, I'm looking at you.
[Aug 16,2011 9:59pm - the_reverend ""]
Botg sounded pretty awesome.
[Aug 16,2011 10:19pm - Thread Inspector  ""]
on the way from work now
[Aug 16,2011 10:47pm - the_reverend ""]
Morne setting up now
[Aug 16,2011 11:39pm - the_reverend ""]
Morne was quite different with the keys, quite good, but also I'm super sleepy and it was drifting me off the slumberland.
[Aug 17,2011 1:16am - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Victims and Morne killed it.
[Aug 17,2011 2:26am - the_reverend ""]
[Aug 17,2011 8:42am - AndrewBastard ""]
w3 is correct
[Aug 17,2011 9:21am - Mark_R ""]
Morne rules, I was hoping to grab their new record, but I didn't see them selling anything
[Aug 17,2011 10:07am - Blessed Offal NLI  ""]
they had cds and shirts i got a cd but woke up this morning without it so thats great. Show was good though. I wanted to play with morne but now not so much because theyre so good live that any notes that I played would immediately become irrelevant
[Aug 17,2011 2:31pm - late_risingnli  ""]
I saw someone walking away with a Morne LP so they had vinyl too, although I never saw them actually set up and selling. Victims had their merch nice and cheap, shirts and LP's were all $12 and I grabbed a couple of good 7" from them for cheap.

Victims totally killed, as usual. Such a good band.
[Aug 17,2011 2:42pm - Mark_R ""]
Bought the new album from Victims, very nice guy(s).
[Aug 17,2011 2:53pm - the_reverend ""]

late_risingnli said:I saw someone walking away with a Morne LP so they had vinyl too, although I never saw them actually set up and selling. Victims had their merch nice and cheap, shirts and LP's were all $12 and I grabbed a couple of good 7" from them for cheap.

Victims totally killed, as usual. Such a good band.

I'm confused as to how exactly you remember so much about a concert.
[Aug 17,2011 3:09pm - late_rising NLI  ""]
not sure what you mean, but my friend asked if she could borrow money to buy a Victims shirt so I remember how much they were, and my other friend commented on how cheap the LP's were ... it also helped that I got there pretty late and only drank 3 beers instead of my usual 8-10.

I also remember your sandals. yuck.
[Aug 17,2011 3:40pm - Jonahathome  ""]
Victims rule but were way to quiet. Or I'm deaf.
[Aug 17,2011 3:52pm - the_reverend ""]
@lr: I was wearing sneakers.
[Aug 17,2011 4:23pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]

Jonahathome said:Victims rule but were way to quiet. Or I'm deaf.

Naw they were and when did they become a 4piece
[Aug 17,2011 4:31pm - late_rising ""]

the_reverend said:@lr: I was wearing sneakers.

sorry, I have trouble remembering details from concerts.
[Aug 17,2011 4:40pm - Mark_R ""]
The guitars were quiet. I figured they were doing it on purpose.

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