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Starting a doom band, need members

[May 30,2004 3:45pm - Aleks ""]
I know its not big in this area or anything, but I want to start a doom band. I play guitar, and just got all the equipment I need, which is a gibson sg-x, an avatar 4x12 cab, and a randall rg100es head.

I mostly listen to alot of old bands, like the Obsessed, early slayer, venom, early black sabbath, motorhead, and that sort of stuff... I'm pretty huge into the southern, New Orleans 90's-ish metal, like Down, Soilent Green, Crowbar, EHG, goatwhore, the hidden hand, buzzov-en, etc.

I haven't heard too many recent Massachusetts bands, but I saw Aganihm at the Hoss a few months ago, and digged that.

The music is gonna have that depressing edge on it, but it'll be really heavy. I'm not too good technically at guitar, but it's all about the melody man....I can't listen to that steve vai shred stuff, its so boring.

At the moment, I just need a bassist and a drummer to get started with....and a place to practice. :spineyes: I know a few people that like the southern doom shit like I do, but they don't play instruments....so....reply
[May 30,2004 4:00pm - anonymous  ""]
there's gotta be someone out there who'd be into this stuff.....
[May 30,2004 5:10pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
if i were to be in a doom band... it would have to be an atmospheric/funeral doom band...
[May 30,2004 5:20pm - aleks ""]
more in the electric wizard/buzzoven direction.....but some things can be a little faster
[May 30,2004 5:37pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
yeah, thats what i figured... not that its a bad thing, i enjoy some traditional doom, but im just partial to the slow slow slow atmospheric stuff. good luck with this though. doom rules.
[May 30,2004 5:53pm - Abbath ""]
ya doom is one of mine favorite styles of metal \m/
where are you located at aleks?
[May 30,2004 6:06pm - aleks ""]
Acton....in the rich 'burbs....it's near concord. The early metal bands and the doom stuff are the kind of music that I like the most....so I this 4x12 for a great price, and got a great used randall head....the same head that sammy uses in goatwhore, and all his other bands. It sounds heavy....

I figured that I could drive my stuff over to someone's house and get started...play a bit, I'll bring my Sabbath box set, we could toke up, and play some more....just have a good time with it, you know....chill out. Sound good? Any takers?
[May 30,2004 6:16pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
acton maine?
[May 30,2004 6:17pm - aleks ""]
acton, mass :spineyes:
[May 30,2004 6:21pm - aleks ""]
big celtic frost/hellhammer influence too....forgot to mention that....the first 2 albums...
[May 30,2004 6:55pm - dreadkill ""]
i used to write alot of riffs that sounded like crowbar. they were one of my favorite bands back in the day. i was wondering when someone in this area would start up a sludgy southern style band. good luck man.
[May 30,2004 9:31pm - dyingmuse ""]
i never really got too much into the stoner/southern doom. im with spaldino on the death doom/funeral stuff good luck though dude!!!!
[May 30,2004 11:39pm - dreadkill ""]
i never really think of the stoner stuff when i hear the word doom. i usually think of my dying bride, morgion, old anathema and stuff like that. i usually call the southern stuff stoner rock or sludge, but i am fully aware doom does apply as well.
[May 31,2004 9:08am - Josh_hates_you ""]
i love soilent green, crowbar, high on fire and shit like that. i play drums but acton seems too far.
[May 31,2004 10:10am - aleks ""]
We wouldn't be playing at my house anyway....the house is too small...
[May 31,2004 11:00am - mike_fod ""]
Speaking of stoner, the latest Boris album "Feedbacker", is lovely
[May 31,2004 12:33pm - aleks ""]

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