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292000 pot plants destroyed in CA

[Jul 26,2011 3:25pm - Yeti ""]

[Jul 26,2011 3:27pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
fuck this country. idiots.
[Jul 26,2011 3:27pm - arilliusbm ""]
Pretty soon this will be an all out war.
[Jul 26,2011 3:28pm - josh_hates_you ""]

arilliusbm said:Pretty soon this will be an all out war.

I'd be down with a civil war to fight for my rights. Smoke more weed. Kill more people.
[Jul 26,2011 3:29pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Lol @ first comment though:

billy s

"Pot should never be legalized in America, or anywhere else for that matter. Marijuana is extremely dangerous and addictive and it is possible to overdose. People have died from smoking it. This one guy smoked it and then he died. We should concentrate on important things like going to church and voting for Michelle Bachmann because that is what Jesus wants us to do. Would Jesus smoke pot? No way! Jesus spoke many times about how pot can lead to other bad things like meth and heroin. There was a recent study done by Harvard that concluded anyone who smokes pot has a 95% chance of doing meth. Not so harmless after all hmm?"

[Jul 26,2011 3:30pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
lol @ "justice system"

[Jul 26,2011 3:31pm - Yeti ""]
Jesus booted heroin and smoked meth. liar.
[Jul 26,2011 3:31pm - xmikex ""]
bew hew naggars.
[Jul 26,2011 4:11pm - burnsy ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:Lol @ first comment though:

billy s

"Pot should never be legalized in America, or anywhere else for that matter. Marijuana is extremely dangerous and addictive and it is possible to overdose. People have died from smoking it. This one guy smoked it and then he died. We should concentrate on important things like going to church and voting for Michelle Bachmann because that is what Jesus wants us to do. Would Jesus smoke pot? No way! Jesus spoke many times about how pot can lead to other bad things like meth and heroin. There was a recent study done by Harvard that concluded anyone who smokes pot has a 95% chance of doing meth. Not so harmless after all hmm?"

Haha, I wish that troll posted here.
[Jul 26,2011 4:26pm - dertoxia ""]

arilliusbm said:Pretty soon this will be an all out war.

It is an all out war. But just in Mexico.
[Jul 26,2011 4:27pm - arilliusbm ""]

dertoxia said:
arilliusbm said:Pretty soon this will be an all out war.

It is an all out war. But just in Mexico.

Bring the war up here. Once there's a violent war over pot, our government might give in.
[Jul 26,2011 4:28pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Violent potheads? Does not compute.
[Jul 26,2011 4:41pm - arilliusbm ""]
In related news:

Airing and online 9:00pm (eastern) on July 26th on PBS

The Pot Republic

FRONTLINE’s primetime monthly newsmagazine returns with three new stories, leading with a timely report from the frontlines of marijuana legalization in California. The bulk of the marijuana consumed in the United States used to come across the border from Mexico, Canada and elsewhere. Now, more than half of it is believed to be home grown in California, where an enormous black market has emerged under the cover of the state’s medical marijuana law.

[Jul 26,2011 6:53pm - blue ""]
I knew I felt a disturbance.

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