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9/9 OXBOW w/ Tinsel Teeth and Whore Paint at Machines With Magnets

[show listing]  __________________________________
[Jul 21,2011 2:44pm - brian_dc ""]
I'm excited for this.

There might be some "noise/ju jitsu ultimate fighter thing in the small gallery" too, which makes this slightly circus like...which is cool.

Anyhow, Oxbow is fantastic and my English friend brags about seeing them all the time...these fuckers never play around here.

[Jul 21,2011 2:46pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
[Jul 21,2011 2:51pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Oxbow + fighting is like peanut butter and jelly.
[Jul 21,2011 3:11pm - the_reverend ""]
king of the jews.
[Jul 21,2011 5:18pm - stoneylarsen ""]
[Jul 21,2011 5:18pm - stoneylarsen ""]
I toured with them in 2001 - they are unbelievable live.
[Jul 21,2011 5:40pm - obstaclecorpse ""]
will be thar
[Jul 21,2011 9:48pm - brian_dc ""]

still on cloud 9 that this is happening
[Jul 26,2011 8:53am - stoneylarsen ""]
Power: 18+
Volume: $10
Nudity: 9:00 PM
[Jul 26,2011 1:06pm - ghoulash ""]
this will be cool
[Aug 12,2011 5:18pm - stoneylarsen ""]
Yes indeed it will
[Aug 16,2011 9:15pm - brian_dc ""]
[Aug 17,2011 3:18am - MikeOv  ""]
Saw Oxbow before. Would see again.
[Aug 17,2011 3:21am - OldFrenchWhore  ""]
Why must this include Tinsel Teeth?
[Aug 17,2011 10:05am - xmikex ""]

OldFrenchWhore said:Why must this include Tinsel Teeth?

Questions need answers.
[Aug 17,2011 12:35pm - mikey nli  ""]
i can deal with tinselteeth but that band whore paint freakin SUCKS!
totally amateur hour providence scenester shit but Oxbow rules!
[Sep 1,2011 4:27pm - stoneylarsen ""]
Q: post by OldFrenchWhore at Aug 17,2011 3:21am
Why must this include Tinsel Teeth?

A: Because they asked and the booker said yes.

Would Vaginal Jesus have been more appropriate?
[Sep 1,2011 10:38pm - brian_dc ""]
Honestly, Tinsel Teeth will be good for the show, overall. I'm not a Tinsel Teeth hater, but people who know about Tinsel Teeth around here need to know about Oxbow if they don't already. It'll be a win-win.

Excitement...extreme excitement.
[Sep 2,2011 9:23am - stoneylarsen ""]
TT are HUGE Oxbow fans.

Much like the Oxbow/Arab on Radar show I saw in NYC in 2001, if some TT fans can get turned on to the very high grade music Oxbow makes because of this show, then very good, carry on, etc.
[Sep 2,2011 12:52pm - xmikex ""]

stoneylarsen said:
Would Vaginal Jesus have been more appropriate?

Because anyone without a refined enough palette to appreciate Tinsel Teeth muuuust be a racist.
[Sep 2,2011 1:02pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Although, obviously, the answer is "yes".
[Sep 2,2011 1:13pm - brian_dc ""]
fun fact: Oxbow has in their ranks a real, live black man

come poke him with a stick before being choked out
[Sep 2,2011 1:40pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

brian_dc said:fun fact: Oxbow has in their ranks a real, live black man

come poke him with a stick before being choked out

this just makes the hypothetical VJ appearance way more interesting.
[Sep 2,2011 3:04pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
For the record, I would much rather go see a Carl Weathers lookalike in his underwear than Tinsel Teeth.
[Sep 2,2011 3:08pm - stoneylarsen ""]
post by xmikex at Sep 2,2011 12:52pm
stoneylarsen said [orig]

Would Vaginal Jesus have been more appropriate?

Because anyone without a refined enough palette to appreciate Tinsel Teeth muuuust be a racist.

I wouldn't say that - not by a long shot - when I think of TT, I think of Arab on Radar, I think of the Scottish band Fire Engines, I think of Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band. I don't think of, say, um, racism.
[Sep 2,2011 3:13pm - stoneylarsen ""]
Eugene is/was a big fan of Anal Cunt. Seth Putnam and Eugene, sadly, never met, though Tim Morse is a huge fan of Oxbow and tends to show up at their shows throwing trashcans and demanding to hear "Gal".
[Sep 3,2011 1:01am - brian_dc ""]
all true things
[Sep 5,2011 12:01pm - stoneylarsen ""]
I sent Eugene an ANGRY HATE t-shirt - the one with a certain prison organization's logo on the front in green - since he tends to like crazy shit like that - but someone stole it from him before he got a chance to wear it onstage.
[Sep 7,2011 7:58pm - brian_dc ""]
anyone here consider themselves fighters? You can get into the show for free, accordingly to Oxbow's facebook page.
[Sep 7,2011 7:59pm - brian_dc ""]
which is, shockingly, http://www.facebook.com/OXBOW
[Sep 8,2011 12:55am - xmikex ""]
No idea what's going on in this thread. I hope your show goes well gentlemen. I just don't like Tinsel Teeth.
[Sep 8,2011 12:57am - OldFrenchWhore  ""]

xmikex said:No idea what's going on in this thread. I hope your show goes well gentlemen. I just don't like Tinsel Teeth.

[Sep 8,2011 7:02am - LogSplitter  ""]
Tinsel Teeth...pissing hardcore kids off on messageboards since 2007. Good work guys and gal.
[Sep 8,2011 7:50am - billy verm  ""]
That band needs to learn how to write a song. It just sounds like a bad nursery rhyme in a washing machine full of ball bearings going round and round and the occasional wolf howl thrown in the middle. nice tits though.
at least they got that going for them.
[Sep 8,2011 9:41am - xmikex ""]

LogSplitter said:Tinsel Teeth...pissing hardcore kids off on messageboards since 2007. Good work guys and gal.

I'm not a hardcore kid. I'm an old man. There's a difference, fuckface.
[Sep 8,2011 12:41pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

LogSplitter said:Tinsel Teeth...boring critical music listeners on messageboards and not quite making up for it with bewbs since 2007. Good work guys and gal.
[Sep 8,2011 3:05pm - stoneylarsen ""]

billy%20verm said:That band needs to learn how to write a song. It just sounds like a bad nursery rhyme in a washing machine full of ball bearings going round and round and the occasional wolf howl thrown in the middle.

You could say the same for Arab on Radar or Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band's LICK MY DECALS OFF, BABY
[Sep 9,2011 2:59pm - brian_dc ""]
TONIGHT! Leave the bullshit debate at the door!
[Sep 9,2011 7:38pm - hbc  ""]
all these bands are awesome and are friends of mine. support them. or be a douche
[Sep 10,2011 1:50am - brian_dc ""]
this. was. awesome.
[Sep 10,2011 8:43pm - stoneylarsen ""]
Yes it was. Best version of Burn I've ever heard Oxbow do. Nice 'n' nasty with a touch of sleazy. And the pummeling was an appropriate touch.

Tinsel Teeth were pretty fucking great as well.
[Sep 10,2011 9:35pm - brian_dc ""]
gotta love a band that can make a song that came out 20 years ago sound as new as the day it was born
[Sep 11,2011 12:16pm - stoneylarsen ""]
Yes in fucking deed there Brian. That was my 7th time seeing Oxbow, 9th time seeing Eugene and every single time has been completely unique and different.

Though not as old, Frankly Frank was beyond sick too.
[Sep 11,2011 3:59pm - MikeOfDecrepitude ""]
So disappointed that I missed this show. The recollection of events from a friend who got the full experience, has me feeling like I totally missed out. Luckily I've seen Oxbow before and they're supposed to be coming back around sometime next year.

"Murder Blues", indeed.
[Dec 9,2011 7:55am - stoneylarsen ""]
Eugene S. Robinson returning solo to Church of Boston Sat 3/3 with Scott Kelly (Neurosis) and Fresh Kill. Thread soon...
[Dec 12,2011 5:07am - flightlessbirdnli  ""]

Tinsel Teeth is playing in Fitchburg, MA on December 16th. 2011.
They're playing "The Rabbit Hole", a bookstore on Main Street.
They've played there twice before and it's always a good time.
Hope to see you there.

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