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Kill Parents With Hammer?

[Jul 19,2011 11:08am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Throw huge party!

[Jul 19,2011 11:16am - Alx_Casket ""]
[Jul 19,2011 11:21am - timma ""]
Seems logical.
[Jul 19,2011 11:31am - the_reverend ""]
blunt force trauma.
[Jul 19,2011 11:31am - largefreakatzero ""]
[Jul 19,2011 11:45am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Jul 19,2011 12:01pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
sounds like a solid dude
[Jul 19,2011 12:02pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
his parents musta been real fuckin assholes.
[Jul 19,2011 12:12pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I dunno, they at least bought him that framing hammer. Not a purchase they probably thought through, admittedly.
[Jul 19,2011 12:52pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
[Jul 19,2011 12:54pm - boblovesmusic ""]
[Jul 19,2011 12:57pm - Yeti ""]
[Jul 19,2011 1:10pm - largefreakatzero ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:I dunno, they at least bought him that framing hammer. Not a purchase they probably thought through, admittedly.

Pfft, it was probably his dad's, and it sounds like the little fucker didn't PUT IT BACK WHERE HE FOUND IT.
[Jul 19,2011 1:10pm - Yeti ""]
i hope his zombie dad comes back to scold him for such insolence.
[Jul 19,2011 1:13pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Christing fuck, there was an outline of it on the pegboard wall and everything...
[Jul 19,2011 1:14pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

largefreakatzero said:
Pfft, it was probably his dad's, and it sounds like the little fucker didn't PUT IT BACK WHERE HE FOUND IT.


That would legitimately make me nuts if it were my kid and I was dead.
[Jul 19,2011 1:31pm - Alexecutioner ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
largefreakatzero said:
Pfft, it was probably his dad's, and it sounds like the little fucker didn't PUT IT BACK WHERE HE FOUND IT.


That would legitimately make me nuts if it were my kid and I was dead.

haha, i can totally picture the father's ghost screaming about the hammer not being put back where he found it.

[Jul 19,2011 3:16pm - AMOROK666 ""]
Lol my grandparents live where this happend.
[Jul 19,2011 3:23pm - zyklon ""]
Is there a reason why most of these crimes are committed by white people?
[Jul 19,2011 3:28pm - Yeti ""]
this thread is racist.
[Jul 19,2011 3:28pm - ShadowSD ""]
The Peter Paul and Mary song "If I Had A Hammer" claims yet another victim.
[Jul 19,2011 3:30pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I don't know how there hasn't been an MC Hammer reference yet.
[Jul 19,2011 3:30pm - Yeti ""]
bang bang Maxwell's silver hammer came down on her head
doo doo doo dooo
[Jul 19,2011 3:32pm - goatcatalyst ""]
A+ thread
[Jul 19,2011 3:46pm - dreadkill ""]

Yeti said:bang bang Maxwell's silver hammer came down on her head
doo doo doo dooo


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