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cradle of filth fans and 13 winters fans will LOVE this

[May 29,2004 1:06pm - swamplorddvm ""]
I'm sure you'll all enjoy beating off to this.

Sorry Abbath.I love you.
[May 29,2004 2:38pm - Terence ""]
I cant tell whether this is a boy or a girl. I know Bryan is a boy's name, but I seriously cant tell what it is.
[May 29,2004 2:43pm - dyingmuse ""]
thats some gay assed shit man...why would someone post this shite???
[May 29,2004 3:22pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
i dont know what that is =(
[May 29,2004 4:30pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
BAH!!, I outgrew cradle a long time ago, the only respect for them I have is their older harsher sounding material

I think I like bittersweets to succubi
[May 29,2004 6:13pm - abbath ""]
shut up swampy you jerk now people are going to think i like 13 winters you fag lovin type o fan

old cradle is great
[May 29,2004 6:47pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Right sorry. ABBATH HATES 13 winters!!!

and old Type O rules!
[May 29,2004 10:04pm - Terence ""]
Type O is my favorite band of all time.
[May 29,2004 10:13pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
there's nothing wrong with Cradle of Filth... they arent that bad really...
[May 29,2004 11:36pm - Bebop  ""]
bittersweets to succubi is the newer Cradle Of Filth.

All of Cradle Rules

All of Type O Rules

If 13 Winters is anything like the other two bands then they can't be all that bad.
[May 29,2004 11:36pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
I dunno about that, it went downhill on their newest album
[May 29,2004 11:41pm - Bebop  ""]
The_ExhumeD said:I dunno about that, it went downhill on their newest album

I think it was more grove oriented. Sony had a lot to do with it as well. They were pushing them to go mellow, that's why they pulled out and signed to Roadrunner.
[May 29,2004 11:50pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Bebop said:bittersweets to succubi is the newer Cradle Of Filth.

All of Cradle Rules

All of Type O Rules

If 13 Winters is anything like the other two bands then they can't be all that bad.

13 winters is fucking terrible.
[May 30,2004 12:30am - The_ExhumeD ""]
Bebop said:The_ExhumeD said:I dunno about that, it went downhill on their newest album

I think it was more grove oriented. Sony had a lot to do with it as well. They were pushing them to go mellow, that's why they pulled out and signed to Roadrunner.

fuck roadrunner records
[May 30,2004 12:34am - swamplorddvm ""]
[May 30,2004 1:14am - joostin ""]
[May 30,2004 1:20am - the_reverend ""]
man, I just wasted 2 minutes clicking.
I want that time back
[May 30,2004 3:21am - MyDeadDoll ""]
that's a dude... there's a pic where he's wearing a fishnet shirt and he doesn't have boobies. i feel sorry for his parents.
[May 30,2004 9:56am - silky ""]
"he" hates his parents. I'm suprised it's not in "his" bio.
[May 30,2004 2:50pm - anonymous  ""]
[May 30,2004 2:52pm - JellyFish ""]
Mark my words, if I ever have a kid that looks like this, his ass will be disciplined and structured.
[May 30,2004 3:22pm - silky ""]
by me
[May 30,2004 10:07pm - JellyFish ""]
You can help too.
[May 31,2004 1:10am - MyDeadDoll ""]
he needs to be beat up by a girl. let me do it.
[Jun 1,2004 12:08am - Bebop  ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:13 winters is fucking terrible.

So terrible that they are one of the top five most talked about band on this board.

Just had to point out that irony.

[Jun 1,2004 12:46am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
oh its not irony. they are talked about alot. they are talked about in a completely negative manner. they are absolutely annihilated by every member on this board. its not like we are just making fun of them because they look like complete jokes. they are a 100% shitty band with terrible terrible music. they are the basis on which we compare shitty bands to. its like... we have bad, nu-metal bad, black my heart bad, then there is 13 winters bad. so your attempt to try to make a "positive" outlook on that band so as to try to make us feel like we got "served" or whatever was completely null and void because you are a complete moron and that you dont understand how some things function. do a line of flaming Ajax and die.
[Jun 1,2004 6:01pm - Bebop  ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:oh its not irony. they are talked about alot. they are talked about in a completely negative manner. they are absolutely annihilated by every member on this board. its not like we are just making fun of them because they look like complete jokes. they are a 100% shitty band with terrible terrible music. they are the basis on which we compare shitty bands to. its like... we have bad, nu-metal bad, black my heart bad, then there is 13 winters bad. so your attempt to try to make a "positive" outlook on that band so as to try to make us feel like we got "served" or whatever was completely null and void because you are a complete moron and that you dont understand how some things function. do a line of flaming Ajax and die.

Well, well, well. A little defensive are we?

I took some time and read through the more current posts and actually they are not "annihilated by every member on this board" as you so put it. There's only about six user names I see that do all the bashing. Which is a far cry from the list of members I see on the front discussion page.

Looking at the picture of you dressed like nick berg's killer, it's safe to assume your prejudace against anything that's not death metal so your opinion of what is and isn't "good" metal is completely null and void.:middlefinger:
[Jun 1,2004 6:29pm - JellyFish ""]
shut up
[Jun 1,2004 6:35pm - Abbath ""]
well if you knew Spaldino (which i kind of do), he likes all kinds of music, so when he says something sucks there is a huge reason behind it
but anyways sure look at us few kids that always hate the band, we're just a hell of a lot more vocal than the others
[Jun 1,2004 6:41pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
Bebop said:

Well, well, well. A little defensive are we?

I took some time and read through the more current posts and actually they are not "annihilated by every member on this board" as you so put it. There's only about six user names I see that do all the bashing. Which is a far cry from the list of members I see on the front discussion page.

Looking at the picture of you dressed like nick berg's killer, it's safe to assume your prejudace against anything that's not death metal so your opinion of what is and isn't "good" metal is completely null and void.:middlefinger:

nope, i wasnt being "a little defensive", i was just typing what i had to say. my mood was not altered by your complete lack of brain cells and your complete disregard for being as observative as you claim to be. I only like death metal. thats it, i mean, my favorite death metal bands are Into Eternity, Anathema, Jim Croce, Gordian Knot, Mortiis, Labyrinth, Dokken, and ACDC. those bands are SOOOOO brutal. like... all they do is blast beats and gurgles. I like some gothic metal and stuff like Cradle of Filth but 13 Winters is a terrible band. there just isnt anything good about them. they dont even have a hot chick... just some beefy slut that probably has more testosterone pumping through her trolley tunnel sized veins then half of the guys on this board combined. so please, before you go and judge people based on their looks like some kind of middle school drop-out, do some research, you worthless turd burglar that is inferior to the cum stain i left on your parents' bed after i was through with them. consume an entire bag of woodscrews lay under a super magnet.
[Jun 1,2004 7:09pm - Bebop  ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:they dont even have a hot chick... just some beefy slut that probably has more testosterone pumping through her trolley tunnel sized veins then half of the guys on this board combined. so please, before you go and judge people based on their looks like some kind of middle school drop-out

You're your own oxy-moron. Fucking retard.

"middle school drop-out"

That's a real insult coming from a minor who thinks Mortiis is metal.
[Jun 1,2004 7:16pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
i wasnt basing my opinion on her as a person on her looks. her appearance is extremely masculine and if you deny that, then you are really retarded. i never said "yeah, she is a stupid person and she has no idea whats cool" or anything like that so my use of her appearance was just. and i think you missed out on the whole sarcasm thing. i was being SARCASTIC. Mortiis is obviously not metal, neither is Anathema (now atleast), or Jim Croce, or ACDC, or Gordian Knot. your judgement based on the appearance was unjust and completely wrong. where as my judgement based on looks was justified seeing as that i just stated that the amount of testosterone she pumps out must be really high (again, she is very masculine). there isnt anything else i need to point out to you so that you can have an easier time understanding simple things... so have fun being cool and posting anonymously, tool.
[Jun 1,2004 7:22pm - morkul ""]
I'm so sick of the anonymous shit.
[Jun 1,2004 7:33pm - Abbath ""]
i met her, at the time i didn't know a thing about them and i asked her if she sounded like angela from arch enemy, and she said that she was much better and also the keyboardist was like "Were a heavy black metal band"
so i was curious and checked them out, and i was so offended that i now hate whatever they do the rest of their lives, they wasted my time with horrible music and now they must pay
[Jun 1,2004 8:42pm - Bebop  ""]

1. You WERE being defensive. You jumped all over me in a heartbeat and displayed a massive inferiority complex over and over again.

2. You WERE judging the band as a whole her by the vocalist looks.

and since I'm there, in the sum of your past post, one of the reasons you hate their band is because their "there just isnt anything good about them. they dont even have a hot chick... just some beefy slut". This coming from a kid who likes cradle of filth even though they have a 500 pound wale for a singer.

3. She has a testosterone problem? you have an estrogen problem there bitch-tits. Beefy doesn't even sum up your fat ass. How about skipping a few meals there pal, there's a small country in Africa starving because of you.

4. AC/DC IS Metal. But you wouldn't know being that they are a little before your time there kiddo.

5. Posting annonomously!?! I don't see your name, phone and home address anywheres. Hell, you didn't even put a working URL to your band. MP3.com has been gone for what, a year now?

6. I assume your band's name is Disentery by the URL given. How un-original of you.
[Jun 1,2004 8:45pm - Bebop  ""]
p.s., and by what I've heard on their site, that chick DOES sing better than the chick from Arch Enemy.
[Jun 1,2004 9:32pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
Bebop said:p.s., and by what I've heard on their site, that chick DOES sing better than the chick from Arch Enemy.

fuck you you faggity little fuck. If you like her so much go fuck her throat. and play pattycakes with her fat rolls
[Jun 1,2004 9:36pm - Bebop  ""]
MAN! you sure put me in my place with that awesome comeback.
[Jun 1,2004 9:49pm - JellyFish ""]
P.S. youre gay. No one cares to listen to you. Youre opinoins are worthless, and you like new cradle/type O. Maybe the hot topic forum will better suit you. As for your opinions, no one cares for yours. People like to hear spaldings becuase they humor us. If you didnt catch his sarcasm about Anathema and Mortiis, you are pretty thick and stupid. 13 winters is gay, die winters is ugly, she does NOT sing better than Angela, and shut up.
[Jun 1,2004 9:53pm - Abbath ""]
tell em steve dave
[Jun 1,2004 10:01pm - Bebop  ""]
Is calling me gay the best you can do? What I've seen in this board, that's hardly an insult. You call everything gay.

I'm actually pretty humored myself. I like how you get all pissed off over the most stupid shit. Actually, Hot Topic's forum is for bubble-gum-punk. Type O and Cradle are too good for them.

And since we''re on the Hot Topic...topic.

Why the fuck do you all bitch about that store? I have to laugh when I see one of you bitching about it WHILE you are walking into one, and leaving with a shitload of stuff.

[Jun 1,2004 10:10pm - JellyFish ""]
Of course, i shop at hot topic all the time. You cant be at a hot topic and not see me there. No matter where you are, ill always be at hot topic buying a ton of shit with the money i make at the job i have. If youd really like to know, I own two pairs of pants, both of which are Levis from wal-mart, I have two pairs of shorts also from wal mart, all the shirts i have i get from shows that people on this board attend, or i get on clearance at wal-mart. Your assumption is very far off. My assumption of youre gay is more accurtate than yours of I shop at hot topic.
[Jun 1,2004 10:21pm - Bebop  ""]
You're right, my assumption is totally wrong. No way can you afford to buy your pants from hot topic. Sucking cock must weild low salary.

You only have two pairs of pants!? Man, you must smell like a bum with a load in his pants all the time. After all, you must be conserving detergant with your low income.
[Jun 1,2004 10:28pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]

1. You WERE being defensive. You jumped all over me in a heartbeat and displayed a massive inferiority complex over and over again.

2. You WERE judging the band as a whole her by the vocalist looks.

and since I'm there, in the sum of your past post, one of the reasons you hate their band is because their "there just isnt anything good about them. they dont even have a hot chick... just some beefy slut". This coming from a kid who likes cradle of filth even though they have a 500 pound wale for a singer.

3. She has a testosterone problem? you have an estrogen problem there bitch-tits. Beefy doesn't even sum up your fat ass. How about skipping a few meals there pal, there's a small country in Africa starving because of you.

4. AC/DC IS Metal. But you wouldn't know being that they are a little before your time there kiddo.

5. Posting annonomously!?! I don't see your name, phone and home address anywheres. Hell, you didn't even put a working URL to your band. MP3.com has been gone for what, a year now?

6. I assume your band's name is Disentery by the URL given. How un-original of you.

ok, time to rip this apart and make you look like a moron.

1. no seriously, i wasnt being defensive. i was just stating what you failed to noticed. as i said, at no point was my adrenaline flowing or anything. i was calm the whole time and i was actually quite happy when i was writing that first response.

2. i dislike the band because their music sucks at an astounding rate. the whole "they dont even have a hot chick" thing was just to illustrate the fact that there is nothing good about them. some bands suck really bad or just suck and i would say something like "hey, atleast they have a hot chick in there" but i cant even say that about them. they have a violin/synth/bass player guy who has a tiny bit of talent but too bad he is like 40 and is trying too hard to be cool. why he is in that band and not a good classic rock band or something is beyond me. you were judging me based on my looks by saying "since you only listen to death metal" which is a complete and utter fallacy.

3. Ha ok. I'm a complete porker. you got me on that one. like... holy shit i need to go to weight watchers and lose like 80 pounds because im morbidly obese. i mean, seriously... all i do is eat eat eat and sit on my ass gaining weight. im 300 pounds. wow, what a fatty. i admit that im not a slender little emo boy or anything but come on, am i really that fat? i dont have a huge gut or anything and i dont have a double chin and i have huge and strong shoulders and legs... your typical large frame. its far from being fat., ya know, like that aforementioned violin/synth/bass player of 13 winters.

4. ACDC is most certainly not metal. thats a given. they definitely did inspire metal though. they are CLASSIC ROCK/ROCK N ROLL. get your facts straight, "pops".

5. yes, anonymously. you arent registered. you can get my screen name in my profile and you can IM me and try to fling your verbal bullshit at me if you wanted to but you are too much of a little bitch to try. i know this because since you looked at my profile, you definitely saw that. now, since you cant spell "Dysentery" even after you JUST saw how it was spelled mean that you arent that swift. and i quit that band a while ago. i am in no band but seriously, as much as i dislike my playing ability i could smoke every band member in 13 Winters. besides, i havent touched my profile in a while, but if you want to know my name, address, and phone number i will post it for you in myy profile. atleast people KNOW who i am. where as you, have no way of contacting you or anything and dont know WHO you are.

6. again, its DYSENTERY, it was in the url that you looked at like 5 minutes before you posted and YOU STILL misspelled it. way to go, Einstein. besides, how original is 13 Winters? oh wow, how fucking evil and cold. go away.
[Jun 1,2004 11:01pm - Bebop  ""]
TheGreatSpaldino said:Bebop said:STOP BACK-PEDALING!!

1. You WERE being defensive. You jumped all over me in a heartbeat and displayed a massive inferiority complex over and over again.

2. You WERE judging the band as a whole her by the vocalist looks.

and since I'm there, in the sum of your past post, one of the reasons you hate their band is because their "there just isnt anything good about them. they dont even have a hot chick... just some beefy slut". This coming from a kid who likes cradle of filth even though they have a 500 pound wale for a singer.

3. She has a testosterone problem? you have an estrogen problem there bitch-tits. Beefy doesn't even sum up your fat ass. How about skipping a few meals there pal, there's a small country in Africa starving because of you.

4. AC/DC IS Metal. But you wouldn't know being that they are a little before your time there kiddo.

5. Posting annonomously!?! I don't see your name, phone and home address anywheres. Hell, you didn't even put a working URL to your band. MP3.com has been gone for what, a year now?

6. I assume your band's name is Disentery by the URL given. How un-original of you.

ok, time to rip this apart and make you look like a moron.

1. no seriously, i wasnt being defensive. i was just stating what you failed to noticed. as i said, at no point was my adrenaline flowing or anything. i was calm the whole time and i was actually quite happy when i was writing that first response.

2. i dislike the band because their music sucks at an astounding rate. the whole "they dont even have a hot chick" thing was just to illustrate the fact that there is nothing good about them. some bands suck really bad or just suck and i would say something like "hey, atleast they have a hot chick in there" but i cant even say that about them. they have a violin/synth/bass player guy who has a tiny bit of talent but too bad he is like 40 and is trying too hard to be cool. why he is in that band and not a good classic rock band or something is beyond me. you were judging me based on my looks by saying "since you only listen to death metal" which is a complete and utter fallacy.

3. Ha ok. I'm a complete porker. you got me on that one. like... holy shit i need to go to weight watchers and lose like 80 pounds because im morbidly obese. i mean, seriously... all i do is eat eat eat and sit on my ass gaining weight. im 300 pounds. wow, what a fatty. i admit that im not a slender little emo boy or anything but come on, am i really that fat? i dont have a huge gut or anything and i dont have a double chin and i have huge and strong shoulders and legs... your typical large frame. its far from being fat., ya know, like that aforementioned violin/synth/bass player of 13 winters.

4. ACDC is most certainly not metal. thats a given. they definitely did inspire metal though. they are CLASSIC ROCK/ROCK N ROLL. get your facts straight, "pops".

5. yes, anonymously. you arent registered. you can get my screen name in my profile and you can IM me and try to fling your verbal bullshit at me if you wanted to but you are too much of a little bitch to try. i know this because since you looked at my profile, you definitely saw that. now, since you cant spell "Dysentery" even after you JUST saw how it was spelled mean that you arent that swift. and i quit that band a while ago. i am in no band but seriously, as much as i dislike my playing ability i could smoke every band member in 13 Winters. besides, i havent touched my profile in a while, but if you want to know my name, address, and phone number i will post it for you in myy profile. atleast people KNOW who i am. where as you, have no way of contacting you or anything and dont know WHO you are.

6. again, its DYSENTERY, it was in the url that you looked at like 5 minutes before you posted and YOU STILL misspelled it. way to go, Einstein. besides, how original is 13 Winters? oh wow, how fucking evil and cold. go away.

AGAIN WITH THE BACK PEDALING!!!!!! Do you really think I can't go back and read what you posted or something. That only make YOU look stupid.

So you mean to tell me that "because you are a complete moron and that you dont understand how some things function. do a line of flaming Ajax and die. " Is in no way an emotionaly driven reaction. BULLSHIT! Stop trying to twist what you just said to say something else, that only works with priest.

After all your ranting, you still fail to actually say why 13 winters sucks. You used an entire paragragh to say they sucked but in part of it was there any points made.

Ohhh, I mispelled your shitty band name by one fucking letter. I bet if I went through all the posts on this site I can find a million and one mispellings of yours.

So you can "smoke every member of 13 winters" huh? Your attitude displayed throughout this site also says you think that you are the best at everything including taking it up the ass. Your inferiority complex is astounding. Are you saying you play Drums, Guitar, Bass, Violin, Keys and do Vocals. AND that you are better at ALL of those instruments than one whole group of people, keep dreaming.

"Oh, you can IM me." Now that's really getting personal. Next thing you're going to ask is to cyber with me.

AC/DC is only hard rock huh? So then I guess you think metal has only been around since the 90s. News for you KID, metal has changed and become heavier but that doesn't take away from what it was 20-30 years ago. Hell, even Def Lepard and Bon Jovi were metal.

So fucking what if their keys player is 40. Half of all the bands you listen to are in their late 30s:moe: Take a good look at your album covers tonight boy.
[Jun 1,2004 11:21pm - TheGreatSpaldino ""]
most of the things i say are said when im pretty happy. its all good though. its wasnt emotionally driven it was just tossed out in the open because as much as i meant it, i wasnt pissed off or anything. what more about "they make shitty music" do want from me? the recording they have on their site is absolutely horrid, they try too hard to be evil and hevy but they sound like nu-metal and their drummer is horrible. the guitar lines are completely un-inspiring. the fact i brought up the guys age is because he is too old to be playing with those young and immature musicians that dont know much about playing anything that is metal or good. that and please, why the hell is he doing in that make up and stuff. he doesnt look evil, he just looks like a balding tub of shit. you wouldnt find as many spelling errors as you would think there, bucko. and while i think i suck at bass, i know for a fact that the amount of talent i have eclipses that band's. ACDC is NOT metal. i am quite aware of what metal is and what it was. Band like Dokken, Judas Priest, Iron Maiden, Celtic Frost, Tygers of Pan Tang, Black Sabbath and the likes are metal. ACDC is, without a doubt, classic rock n' roll. for someone that is trying to sound like you know more, you sure dont know shit.
[Jun 1,2004 11:28pm - Bebop  ""]
You still have a lot to learn.......
[Jun 1,2004 11:31pm - intricateprocess ""]
ac/dc is definatley rock
get your cold northern nipples straight
stop hanging out in the food court
[Jun 1,2004 11:34pm - Abbath ""]
this thread needs to die and it needs to die now!
"Snoop a loop!"- Will Ferrell
[Jun 2,2004 11:56am - JellyFish ""]
He knows shit when he wipes it off his dick after pulling out of die winters cellulite covered ass crack.
[Jun 2,2004 12:46pm - MyDeadDoll ""]
i'm not getting into this, but all i have to say is that bebop is a stupid name, even if you're posting anonymously.
[Jun 2,2004 1:43pm - morkul ""]
Sounds to me like this guy is not only old and decrepit, but is trying to show is argumenative skills at a suprisingly idiotic level. Log-in, what do you have to be scared of....I hate anonymous shit.....I wish Rev would get rid of that shit.
[Jun 2,2004 3:26pm - ArrowHead ""]
Just to clear up a few things:

When AC/DC started, they were labeled "Heavy Metal". You guys might not define it as such, but then again if standards and styles didn't grow over the years my music collection right now would be pretty horrible. Therefore, feel free to call it whatever you want.

Secondly, I love the occasional fat bitch, so all these potshots at Die Winters and Spaldino are a bit cruel. I'd do both of them chicks. (sarcasm, spaldo, don't get all mad)

Thirdly, 13 Winters IS a terrible band. If you're looking for examples and specifics, try the constant 4/4 quarter note riffing with no variation. How about the unimaginitve power chords. Then there's there's the supposedly "talented" keyboardist. I hear lots of triads. Does he know that he has ten fingers? Better than angela, worse than angela, neither can fucking sing so argue all you want. Next time you're at band practice think about just a few of these things before you try to deny them, Bebop. And learn how to use a proxy next time you attempt to post "anonymously"

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