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Aug 26 (Fri) - Hekseri, Soul Remnants, Cythraul, Worms in Women and Cattle - PT 109 +

Hekseri (regrouping), Soul Remnants, Cythraul, Worms in Women and Cattle, Obriens AUG 26, 2011

[show listing]  _______________________________________
[Jul 16,2011 8:01pm - thuringwethil ""]

LET THE HATRED COMMENCE! :middlefinger::doublehorns::middlefinger:
[Jul 16,2011 8:42pm - attn rttp  ""]
Cythraul is Christian Doom Metal. Stay away. Hemingway said it best.
[Jul 16,2011 8:57pm - Boblovesstartrek  ""]
Worms in woman and cattle is a bizarre band, glad they're on this!
[Jul 17,2011 2:19am - Josh_hates_you ""]
just saw worms in women in cattle. they were fucking awesome.
[Jul 17,2011 8:47am - thuringwethil ""]
yeah, I'm pysched they said yes. Pippi is a DEMON!
[Jul 17,2011 9:52am - ShadowSD ""]
Hekseri regrouping for a Boston show, nice, I might just have to check this out.
[Jul 17,2011 10:46am - the_reverend ""]
I would consider my self "psyched" as well
[Jul 17,2011 11:19am - xmikex ""]
Listening to Worms... right now. Intrigued. Might come just to see them. If so I hope they have merch.
[Jul 18,2011 11:33am - sixstringcarnage ""]
Flyer bone-her
[Jul 18,2011 1:03pm - Yeti ""]
i am appalled at the lack of paganmegan trolls not attacking this thread.
[Jul 18,2011 6:08pm - ghoulash ""]
i want to see this show too.
[Aug 5,2011 7:47am - thuringwethil ""]
show's been moved to PT109, same time and date
[Aug 5,2011 8:12am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

Yeti said:the lack of paganmegan trolls not attacking this thread.

"Now, correct me if I'm incorrect, but was I told that it's untrue that people in Springfield have NO FAITH? Was I not misinformed?!?"
[Aug 5,2011 8:15am - sergio veliquado  ""]
that chick in worms looks like a baglady.
[Aug 5,2011 8:21am - arilliusbm ""]

thuringwethil said:show's been moved to PT109, same time and date


wasn't the location supposed to remain secret or did I miss the boat?
[Aug 5,2011 9:32am - thuringwethil ""]
okay fine whatever

here's the address, just as easily accessible on the internet

[Aug 6,2011 4:22am - AMOROK666 ""]
Oooof. Please don't put the address to this place online kthanx.....
[Aug 6,2011 9:03am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
[Aug 6,2011 9:09am - thuringwethil ""]
ok, it's back at O'briens then

3 Harvard Ave. Allston don't get lost

I'll send you the $$$ from the door Brad lolz
[Aug 6,2011 10:25am - josh_hates_you ""]

AMOROK666 said:Oooof. Please don't put the address to this place online kthanx.....

Some one should probly tell the venue not to post flyers with the address and a map on their FB page if this is the case.
[Aug 7,2011 8:41am - thuringwethil ""]

[Aug 7,2011 4:37pm - Seth  ""]
Now this should be good!
[Aug 9,2011 6:28am - thuringwethil ""]
boobies in both flyers, at least THAT MUCH can be said
[Aug 10,2011 6:47pm - grandmotherweb ""]
lovely, blood-covered boobies
[Aug 10,2011 6:49pm - bloblovesmusic  ""]
[Aug 22,2011 12:41pm - soul remnants  ""]
[Aug 22,2011 12:59pm - the_reverend ""]
I have a doctors appt on thursday so I'm glad this is on friday.
[Aug 24,2011 6:50am - thuringwethil ""]
we're videotaping the whole show
[Aug 24,2011 8:10am - nekronaut ""]

the_reverend said:I have a doctors appt on thursday so I'm glad this is on friday.

[Aug 24,2011 9:04am - Alx_Casket ""]

thuringwethil said:we're videotaping the whole show, you can stay home rev

[Aug 25,2011 1:50pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Oh sweet weekend bliss, you cannot come soon enough.
[Aug 25,2011 1:56pm - Seth  ""]
This is going to be a bad ass show and cant wait to see all the sick bands!
[Aug 25,2011 6:02pm - shitzburger  ""]
Can anyone tell me who the hell Cythraul and Pippi is and why I havent heard of them? Damn this show will suck probably anyway.
[Aug 25,2011 6:05pm - death.  ""]
finally someone trolling this thread...jeez
[Aug 25,2011 6:35pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Can people please take down the address for the brighton/allston venue.

Thanks assholes.
[Aug 25,2011 6:39pm - nekronaut ""]
Sean, I'm going to give you a great big hug in about ten minutes.
[Aug 25,2011 7:38pm - whiskey_weed_and_women ""]
Mike is a liar, I only got a halvies. Weak
[Aug 25,2011 11:23pm - shitzburger  ""]
Fuck this poser hype fest. Ill pass and from what I hear posers will be present.
[Aug 26,2011 2:27am - fuck you you fucking pussy  ""]
Shut the fuck up you pathetic cunt. You are not worth the crust on your overworked foreskin . This poser fest is beyond your feeble existense. I'm sure you are just crying because you are a failed musician or are a virgin with social anxiety. Have fun trolling and realise the pathetic nature of your castrated self.
[Aug 26,2011 2:37am - josh_hates_you ""]
This is why we can't have anything nice.
[Aug 26,2011 9:27am - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Is this still halpining?
[Aug 26,2011 10:38am - Yeti ""]
it makes me laugh that people get so upset when someone posts the address to a "secret" venue, but then you drive down any street even remotely close to it and you can see swarms of people makes tons of noise right outside.
[Aug 26,2011 10:49am - bobnomaamrooney ""]

Yeti said:it makes me laugh that people get so upset when someone posts the address to a "secret" venue, but then you drive down any street even remotely close to it and you can see swarms of people makes tons of noise right outside.

It's a good thing there hasn't been a noise complaint at 123 Fake Street yet.
[Aug 26,2011 10:51am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Aug 26,2011 11:20am - xmikex ""]


Someone please post the FINAL info for this show, and if possible a confirmation that Worms in Women are definitely playing.
[Aug 26,2011 11:23am - josh_hates_you ""]
pt 109.

I saw Pippi at a show in Providence on sunday night and she said they were playing.

Do a hurricane about it.

[Aug 26,2011 11:25am - TARDYBUTLER ""]
[Aug 26,2011 11:28am - xmikex ""]


don't start with me, not so anonymous troll.
[Aug 26,2011 11:31am - thuringwethil ""]
haha I can't edit the addy because Arillius quoted my original post, in which I had edited the address out but apparently not soon enough to be quoted. I can't very well hack into his account, I'm not Rupert Murdoch, heh.

yes, this is indeed still happening at PT109, 9pm start. And Worms in Women and Cattle are first, AND playing, AND will fucking kill everyone in the best possible way. Then Cythraul, Soul Remnants, and Hekseri feast upon the gristle.

shitzburger Jesus and I love you and we feel your pain

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