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Mastodon Post teaser trailer for new album

[Jul 13,2011 2:12pm - the_reverend ""]
Dear Mastodon fans! Last week you were introduced to the stunning cover art to the upcoming Mastodon studio album, THE HUNTER. This week, feast your eyes on the new Album Trailer; a visual tidbit with sonic taste of a new track titled "Black Tongue." You can also find this on http://www.mastodonrocks.com , the Mastodon You Tube page, Twitter and Facebook pages as well for your viewing pleasure. What are you waiting for?

As always, much more Masto-news to be released soon. Check www.mastodonrocks.com often for info, tour dates, new merch and more. And don't forget: www.adultswim.com/singles

For press materials, please visit: http://press.warnerbrosrecords.com/mastodon

[Jul 13,2011 2:30pm - Spaldino  ""]
[Jul 13,2011 2:50pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Sounds slightly less boring than the last album, but yeah, what he said^
[Jul 13,2011 4:23pm - Lamp nli  ""]
People still care about this band?

I liked the early stuff and all but give it a rest.
[Jul 13,2011 4:27pm - AndrewBastard ""]
[Jul 13,2011 4:50pm - nekronautloggedin  ""]
Honestly, that wasn't half bad..
[Jul 13,2011 5:24pm - Paulina  ""]
kinda snoozy...eh. wasn't awful but i kind of tuned them out at this point, anyway.
[Jul 13,2011 6:15pm - Josh_hates_you ""]
remissions or GTFO.
[Jul 13,2011 6:15pm - KEVORD ""]
I think I'm the only one who hates every Mastodon album but Crack the Skye.
[Jul 13,2011 6:28pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Crack the Skye is brilliant
[Jul 13,2011 7:26pm - dreadkill ""]
I like all their albums, but I never really got into blood mountain as much as the others. I like what I'm hearing so far from that clip. I just hope the song titles they posted were jokes/working titles because curl of the Burl, blasteroids, and the other titles were awful.
[Jul 13,2011 10:33pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
always is and always shall be fucking BORING
[Jul 14,2011 10:55am - The_Rooster ""]
Wow, those riffs don't sound anything like every other fucking riff they've ever written!


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