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Iron Sheik Vs Iron Sheik Jr.

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[Jun 24,2011 2:43pm - eddie ""]
who would win in a fight?
[Jun 24,2011 2:43pm - eddie ""]

[Jun 24,2011 2:46pm - burnsy ""]
Duncan shiek
[Jun 24,2011 2:47pm - eddie ""]

[Jun 24,2011 2:52pm - oscarct ""]
I met him at a stag party a few years ago. he was really nice, and constantly called my friend a fag.
[Jun 24,2011 3:13pm - RichHorror ""]
Did he fuck your ass make you humble?
[Jun 24,2011 3:14pm - eddie ""]
you suck on camel cock, oooohhhh yyeeeaaaahhhhh

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