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Pictures from Japan 3 months after earthquake/tsunami

[Jun 15,2011 11:01pm - dertoxia ""]



Bunch of crazy pictures. The massive amount of shit that is just gone in this one shot though. Theyre cleanin up quick.
[Jun 16,2011 1:43am - the_reverend ""]
And this little pig made his house out of straw.
[Jun 16,2011 1:49am - narkybark ""]
I see Waldo!
[Jun 16,2011 7:46am - conservationist ""]
Holy crap.

I think we're still cleaning up after Katrina here in the States...
[Jun 16,2011 8:19am - Lamp ""]
Well clearly this is all revenge for Pearl Harbor, half of Facebook said so.
[Jun 16,2011 8:39am - Alx_Casket ""]

[Jun 16,2011 11:14am - largefreakatzero ""]

conservationist said:Holy crap.

I think we're still cleaning up after Katrina here in the States...

That damn Japanese efficiency -- no wonder they make better cars, electronics, etc, etc, etc...
[Jun 16,2011 11:23am - Uh ""]
Road fixed in 6 days
[Jun 16,2011 11:28am - the_reverend ""]
that would have taken how many years here? Hell, it took them from when I was in 5th grade til after I graduated college to unfuck 101.
[Jun 16,2011 11:39am - largefreakatzero ""]
Just imagine how many years it's going to take with the 93 widening clusterfuck.
[Jun 16,2011 11:41am - arktouros ""]

where's our high speed rail? oh yeah, instead of making it ourselves, we're trying to buy one from spain.

[Jun 16,2011 11:57am - ShadowSD ""]
Because stimulus packages that invest in American infrastructure and create jobs are supposedly commie wasteful job-killing deficit spending, according to an entire political party out of the only two parties that we have. As long as idiots who take that line are re-elected to federal office and rewarded for taking such stupid positions, our infrastructure is eventually going to look post-tsunami even without a tsunami.
[Jun 16,2011 12:25pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i dont know why they bothered cleaning everything up... there's just gonna be a nuclear zombie apocalypse anyways.
[Jun 16,2011 1:20pm - Yeti ""]
remember the 290 bridge fiasco? that lasted like 3 fucking years.
[Jun 16,2011 1:30pm - BlackoutRick ""]

the_reverend said:that would have taken how many years here? Hell, it took them from when I was in 5th grade til after I graduated college to unfuck 101.

Cuz we're fuckin lazy!!!
[Jun 16,2011 3:43pm - ghoulash ""]

here is a satellite slide show of what japan looks like before and after. holy shit man...
[Jun 21,2011 3:13am - Ernie ""]

ShadowSD said:Because stimulus packages that invest in American infrastructure and create jobs are supposedly commie wasteful job-killing deficit spending, according to an entire political party out of the only two parties that we have. As long as idiots who take that line are re-elected to federal office and rewarded for taking such stupid positions, our infrastructure is eventually going to look post-tsunami even without a tsunami.

[Jun 21,2011 3:36am - late_rising ""]

the_reverend said:that would have taken how many years here? Hell, it took them from when I was in 5th grade til after I graduated college to unfuck 101.

they've been "working" on the BU Bridge for what, 5 years now?

and it doesn't. look. any. different.

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