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So I just logged into myspace

[Jun 12,2011 12:20pm - the_reverend ""]
WTF is that thing?
[Jun 12,2011 12:23pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
it's bad, all bad
[Jun 12,2011 12:23pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
might as well just call it Angelfire and be done with it
[Jun 12,2011 12:24pm - Pires ""]
I only use myspace to listen to music. At least I don't have to sign up like Facebook.
[Jun 12,2011 3:33pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
[Jun 12,2011 5:06pm - CurlyRed ""]
Yeah I got rid of mine a while back. I never logged in to it much anyways.
[Jun 12,2011 5:44pm - arilliusbm ""]

someone make that into a frown
[Jun 12,2011 5:50pm - CurlyRed ""]
[Jun 12,2011 6:22pm - xmikex ""]

[Jun 12,2011 7:13pm - Fuck_logging_in  ""]
rupert murdoch but the company and ran it into the ground.
[Jun 12,2011 8:16pm - Alx_Casket ""]
officially but the whole thing.
[Jun 13,2011 9:13am - AndrewBastard ""]
I get tons of spam in my inbox now too...this site sucks
[Jun 13,2011 9:15am - the_reverend ""]
ditto. I tured everything off on it's updates too.
[Jun 13,2011 9:17am - pam ""]
I keep meaning to save some photos from mine and delete it but it's easier to just ignore it.
[Jun 13,2011 10:26am - Hungtableed  ""]
Never had one, it was ghey even when it was "cool".
[Jun 13,2011 6:40pm - BlessedOffalNLI  ""]
the last time I logged in was just to delete the account. I searched through everything for like 2 hours and couldnt figure out how to do anything. Fuckin angelfires right
[Jun 13,2011 6:49pm - aaron_michael ""]
[Jun 13,2011 7:02pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

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