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The New Sea - new project

[Jun 8,2011 9:31pm - murph ""]
I haven't posted on here in a looooong time.

new band, The New Sea http://www.facebook.com/thenewsea

for fans of early 90s grunge/rock

later gators, hope everyone is well.
[Jun 9,2011 9:54am - ouchdrummer ""]
nice, post and screw... just like the LAST time you didn't call us back. Well ya know what, we're not gonna fall for your lines again.

can't wait to get home and listen.
[Sep 30,2011 4:31am - murph nli  ""]
New EP this winter, and some show dates in the fall!
[Sep 30,2011 4:34am - murph nli  ""]
[Sep 30,2011 10:23am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
honestly didnt think i was going to like this at first but you won me over by the end. good stuff.

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