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anybody have any non-terrible strat-style tuners they want to get rid of, cheap? (also ITT talk shit about single-coil pickups)

[Jun 3,2011 2:49pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
What the title says. I've got this Samick strat copy that I've been playing, lately (it's my half-step-down axe, I use it for Danzig songs, haha), and as much as I'm not a strat guy, it's mostly not too awful - except for the tuners. I do one full-step bend and it's fucked. Anybody sitting on anything that'll fit, and they want to get rid of? (I'm broke as fuck right now, so we're talking I could maybe give you 20 bucks for'em?)

Also: fucking single-coils. Does anybody here actually use them on purpose? Right now the tele sound on the Wintersun record is legit ruining it for me, just from playing this stupid guitar, haha.
[Jun 3,2011 3:23pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
This is seriously the first thing I think of whenever I hear a single-coil axe attempting to play metal:

[Jun 3,2011 3:27pm - timma ""]
Funny you should ask, just saw these on CL the other day...

[Jun 3,2011 3:28pm - xmikex ""]

[Jun 3,2011 3:29pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

timma said:Funny you should ask, just saw these on CL the other day...


I have that exact same bedspread. WEIRD.
[Jun 3,2011 3:30pm - timma ""]
Ah, the fates align.
[Jun 3,2011 5:44pm - largefreakatzero ""]
My very first guitar that I got when I was 15 (sadly that was 22 years ago) was a piece of crap strat copy. I added these things which helped: http://www.sperzel.com/
Still nowhere near as effective as a locking neck, but waaaay better than the junk that the thing came with.
Guess it depends on how much money you want to dump into that shitbox.
[Jun 3,2011 7:45pm - Sinistas ""]

I don't know how these are, but their pickups are decent.

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