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For all the Mastamindz fans out there:

[May 25,2004 10:45pm - theundergroundscene ""]
Have fun. If you are one of those photoshop experts, have lots of fun.













[May 25,2004 10:53pm - assuck ""]
god damn that bassist is cock eyed
[May 25,2004 11:13pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
why the fuck do they have their fingernails painted black. FUCK MASTAMINDZ, Im sick of hearing about their stupid shit.
[May 25,2004 11:41pm - the_reverend ""]
bling bling!
[May 25,2004 11:45pm - succubus ""]
don't diss boys who wear (or wore) black nail polish!!
[May 26,2004 12:02am - the_reverend ""]
I will
[May 26,2004 7:01am - Thee Mighty One  ""]
Damn niggaz we were wearing our black nail polish and black tshirts cause were fuckin metal dude! We played with Prong and your sorry asses didnt. Damn I look good in those pictures, I am fucking fine and I know your all jealous and you all want to get with me. Shit Im getting all hot and bothered looking at myself, I might have to go have a release. Where my bass player at?

You know you want to see more hot ass pictures of me and MY band at www.MASTAMINDZ.com
[May 26,2004 8:07am - hoser ""]
Ummmm....dude....uummm....Prong sucks and has always sucked, nobody here will be jealous that you played with them, because if you really were METAL in the slightest, you would also think that Prong sucked. You are a bald, black talking, middle class white boy with a penis probably of average size at best. Your bass player is old enough to draw social security, and the rest of your band are a couple of tools that are influenced by you and your banter enough to play in a rapcore band with you. Get off of your high horse and come down to reality. You are from Rhode Island buddy, not the hood. So beotch, take dem shifaggles off of dem jeans fo' I rip dem shits outta ya handzzzz. Now buck the fuck up, stop talking like street trash and be the middle class white boy that your mopmmy and daddy raised you to be. Oh....and stop drinking Heinekin....everybody knows that it sucks.....dork. Thee mighty one....mighty not know that thee's white.
[May 26,2004 8:42am - Thee Mighty 1  ""]
Fuck yall hoser! McKenzie brothers wanna be bitch! You know you aint got shit on The Mighty One and its just killing you. Just keep working at it and some day you can be like me. Im fresher than anything in your fridge and cooler than anything in your freezer bitch!

You wanna talk more get at MY website www.MASTAMINDZ.com or come out to a show and we can really get into how you can be more like me.
[May 26,2004 10:53am - Abbath ""]
the question i'm wondering is why you took that many pics theundergroundscene?
[May 26,2004 1:31pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Word up! and prong doesnt suck! Blap blap blap nigga!
[May 26,2004 4:51pm - Abbath ""]

I bomb,bomb
I bomb on their ass
as soon as they talk shit
I smash their heads
I dash

I bomb,bomb
I bomb on their ass
as soon as they swing
I swing back and I blast

These are my thoughts
as I walk down the street
three fools behind me
trying to jack me on the creep
but little did they know
by my hip,was my heat
plus a kick to his face
with my steel toe feet
I see they want to rob me
for what I ain't got nothing
I turn to speak
all three were straight frontin
they spoke the words
give us the shit that we need
if not this gauge we make ya bleed
plead for my life
better guess again
the kid with the gun
I threw a hook to his chin
he drops the gun
I pick the shit right up
I take the gauge
stick it to his friends gut
this birdshot going straight
through ya heart
unless ya give me
everything that ya got
know bitch give up
jewels n ya cash
told ya'll how quick
I can blast

I bomb,bomb
I bomb on their ass
as soon as they talk shit
I smash their heads
I dash

I bomb,bomb
I bomb on their ass
as soon as they swing
I swing back and I blast

Now if you didn't know
they call me the mighty 1
to the three thugs
this shit has just begun
I finally in my home
i'm polishing up my crome
in the distance theres some ringing
I reach for the phone
as I pick it up
the fools start singing
if it's ruckus that you want
it ruckus that were bringing
they told me
meet me at the subway store
I call up my dogz
they got guns for us all
we meet at the spot
were waiting for their ass
in the dark there's lights
we see them and they flash
they're coming at us fast
i'm thinkng what the fuck
it's more of my dogz
loaded in the truck
my friends said some shit
some shit to make ya laugh
the thugs called them
they want the shit to past
it's all good
nobody gets shot in their ass
told ya'll how quick I can blast

I bomb,bomb
I bomb on their ass
as soon as they talk shit
I smash their heads
I dash

I bomb,bomb
I bomb on their ass
as soon as they swing
I swing back and I blast

Now everyone knows
how quick I can blast
plus it's a note
not to step in my path
thinking about stepping
better think again
cause it's so easy
for me to check you in ya chin
relax, show respect in my presence
fucking with us
you should be second guessing
soon to be second to none
if not
we'll just bomb on everyone

I bomb,bomb
I bomb on their ass
as soon as they talk shit
I smash their heads
I dash

I bomb,bomb
I bomb on their ass
as soon as they swing
I swing back and I blast

come on guys this is trOOe new england rap metal. i mean how can you not love these lyrics their written in such a power message!
[May 26,2004 5:33pm - jabu  ""]
is this a joke?


[May 26,2004 7:30pm - theundergroundscene ""]
"the question i'm wondering is why you took that many pics theundergroundscene?"

Well, I took them over the course of about two minutes, and when the level of gayness I was feeling reached its max (basically the gayest I've ever felt) I ran to the back and laughed my ass off. I did, however, take the first three songs to muster up the courage to venture up to the front.

That explains the quality, because they REALLY suck, lol. I only took them hoping I would get a good one and some photo shop whiz would be able to "touch it up" really nice and pretty </sarcasm>
[May 26,2004 7:32pm - succubus ""]
and you like creed
[May 26,2004 7:33pm - silky ""]
hahahahhahaha!!!!!!!!!I'm going to fucking vomit!!!!!!!!people like that are the reason a.i.d.s. was invented!
[May 26,2004 7:37pm - theundergroundscene ""]
Hey Carina, what happened to UNLEARNING what you know about music?!?!?!?!!?!??!! I hate you. Ok, no I don't.
[May 26,2004 7:44pm - JellyFish ""]
jabu said:is this a joke?


Da Flamer
[May 26,2004 9:06pm - hoser ""]

[May 26,2004 9:07pm - hoser ""]
By the way...check out our fresh site at:


Now this is fresh....niggaz....

what am I doing??

[May 26,2004 10:21pm - powerkok ""]
hey hoser, im pretty sure that mighty 1 is actually impersonating the real mighty 1....and I had no fucking idea that Prong even still existed. Like THE prong? unconditional prong? if its true there are some sappy ass retards funding this. make it stop.
[May 26,2004 11:35pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
I do like heineken, I just never thought that there was going to be something that would actually make me stop drinking it. Id feel like a dipshit to be in that video they made. WOW is all I can say. And this dude thinks hes metal if only he knew what metal was, and pulled the left over jizz out of ears.
[May 27,2004 5:47am - Thee Mighty One  ""]
yo you niggas gonna cover BOMB cause you got the lyrics now? thats one BOMB ass song! Its not as good as BITCH, thats my favorite MASTAMINDZ jam because the lyrics really touch people. MY band is sick and you fags are just jealous. The only thing The Mighty One is impersonating is some dude fucking your moms, wait a minute I am that guy fucking your mom! ha ha ha! Ill give her MY Mighty Two right on her chin! Fuck All A Yall.

Book MY band at www.MASTAMINDZ.com
[May 27,2004 6:02am - Abbath ""]
HAHAAHAHAHAHAH god bless retards

"Ding fries are done! Ding fries are done!"
[May 27,2004 1:14pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
if your fucking my mom I pitty you. you sad, sab moronic bastard.
P.S. you guys have no talent whatesoever, and your lyrics mean absolutely shit, only simple minded automotons like yourself could ever fall prey to your shitty music which is corrupting our beloved scene.\
[May 27,2004 2:16pm - flyingpoopdestroyer ""]
Yeah, but I loved this guy in Malibu's Most Wanted.
[May 27,2004 3:43pm - morkul ""]
Abbath said:Bomb:

I bomb,bomb
I bomb on their ass
as soon as they talk shit
I smash their heads
I dash

I bomb,bomb
I bomb on their ass
as soon as they swing
I swing back and I blast

These are my thoughts
as I walk down the street
three fools behind me
trying to jack me on the creep
but little did they know
by my hip,was my heat
plus a kick to his face
with my steel toe feet
I see they want to rob me
for what I ain't got nothing
I turn to speak
all three were straight frontin
they spoke the words
give us the shit that we need
if not this gauge we make ya bleed
plead for my life
better guess again
the kid with the gun
I threw a hook to his chin
he drops the gun
I pick the shit right up
I take the gauge
stick it to his friends gut
this birdshot going straight
through ya heart
unless ya give me
everything that ya got
know bitch give up
jewels n ya cash
told ya'll how quick
I can blast

I bomb,bomb
I bomb on their ass
as soon as they talk shit
I smash their heads
I dash

I bomb,bomb
I bomb on their ass
as soon as they swing
I swing back and I blast

Now if you didn't know
they call me the mighty 1
to the three thugs
this shit has just begun
I finally in my home
i'm polishing up my crome
in the distance theres some ringing
I reach for the phone
as I pick it up
the fools start singing
if it's ruckus that you want
it ruckus that were bringing
they told me
meet me at the subway store
I call up my dogz
they got guns for us all
we meet at the spot
were waiting for their ass
in the dark there's lights
we see them and they flash
they're coming at us fast
i'm thinkng what the fuck
it's more of my dogz
loaded in the truck
my friends said some shit
some shit to make ya laugh
the thugs called them
they want the shit to past
it's all good
nobody gets shot in their ass
told ya'll how quick I can blast

I bomb,bomb
I bomb on their ass
as soon as they talk shit
I smash their heads
I dash

I bomb,bomb
I bomb on their ass
as soon as they swing
I swing back and I blast

Now everyone knows
how quick I can blast
plus it's a note
not to step in my path
thinking about stepping
better think again
cause it's so easy
for me to check you in ya chin
relax, show respect in my presence
fucking with us
you should be second guessing
soon to be second to none
if not
we'll just bomb on everyone

I bomb,bomb
I bomb on their ass
as soon as they talk shit
I smash their heads
I dash

I bomb,bomb
I bomb on their ass
as soon as they swing
I swing back and I blast

come on guys this is trOOe new england rap metal. i mean how can you not love these lyrics their written in such a power message!

Sounds like they ripped off Biohazzard-5 blocks to the subway anyone...anyone. This is a state of the world address motherfuckers...that shit sucked compared to their older stuff.:middlefinger:
[May 27,2004 4:21pm - the_reverend ""]
theundergroundscene said:I only took them hoping I would get a good one and some photo shop whiz would be able to "touch it up" really nice and pretty </sarcasm>

RA, time to do some photoshopping.

please, put one of them on halle berry's body so carina will stop thinking that I'm in love with her.
for the others, I want one in the flying car from mask.
one on a soccer ball that says wilson.
any others you are free to do with what you wish.
[May 27,2004 7:32pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
flyingpoopdestroyer said:Yeah, but I loved this guy in Malibu's Most Wanted.

haha I watched that for about 20 minutes on cinemax this morning
[May 27,2004 7:55pm - flyingpoopdestroyer ""]
Ugh, me too. It was terrible.
[May 27,2004 8:29pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
[May 27,2004 8:46pm - jabu  ""]
[May 27,2004 9:09pm - hoser ""]

Look at that band picture......hahahahahahahahahahaha......looks like a poster board advertising prophylactics.....hahahahahahaha

Don't cum in her ass....one of these idiots might just pop out....hahahahahahahahahah

That cross eyed bass player has got to be drawing social security....wasn't that bass player dude on the left the star of that show "Life goes on?"
[May 27,2004 9:35pm - Abbath ""]
hey hoser be nice!:spineyes:
the bassist has lived a tough life ahahahhaha according to the website he got his eye poked out when he was nine, such a rough life and now mastamindz
[May 27,2004 10:13pm - assuck ""]


tears of joy are running down my face
[May 27,2004 10:26pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
hes a cock eyed bastard, what a fucking burnt out piece of crap
[May 27,2004 11:07pm - Abbath ""]
AHAHAHAHAHHAHAHA god so much hate!
i wish we could all hang out sometime and make a playa hatas club
hate hate
hate hate hate
[May 28,2004 2:30am - MyDeadDoll ""]
holy crap, i don't think i've laughed so hard in a while. i hate when white boys try to be all ghetto and shit. it's fucking hilarious. i invite them to come roll with the vatos on the south side where i grew up. brown pride yo!
[May 28,2004 9:04am - Thee Mighty One  ""]
Ha ha ha ha, Nice pictures Nigga too bad we all know its fake because my dick aint that big.

For real picz of ME and MY band www.MASTAMINDZ.com

Bomb-Bomb! Ill Bomb on your asses! Whooodie Whoooo, Nigga What!?
[May 28,2004 9:04am - PAPER GANGSTER HATER  ""]
[May 28,2004 12:29pm - morkul ""]
Vanilla Ice called....yeah, he'd like his image back please...
[May 28,2004 1:02pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
Thee Mighty One said:Ha ha ha ha, Nice pictures Nigga too bad we all know its fake because my dick aint that big.

For real picz of ME and MY band www.MASTAMINDZ.com

Bomb-Bomb! Ill Bomb on your asses! Whooodie Whoooo, Nigga What!?

what an amazing anomile, how could you have ever guess it was fake
[May 28,2004 1:05pm - The_ExhumeD ""]

Yessssssssssssssssssssssss,,, massssssssssssssstteeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrr
[May 28,2004 3:52pm - Abbath ""]
Exhumed and I are owning that website!
hahaha they have a thread about metal sucks ahahahahahah
score one for the cool kids \m/
[May 31,2004 1:46pm - anonymous  ""]
This is some High Quality Entertainment. Keep it up boys.

Mighty One said METAL SUCKS, lets discuss that.
[May 31,2004 5:11pm - Robdeadskin ""]
hoser said:Ummmm....dude....uummm....Prong sucks and has always sucked, nobody here will be jealous that you played with them, because if you really were METAL in the slightest, you would also think that Prong sucked. You are a bald, black talking, middle class white boy with a penis probably of average size at best. Your bass player is old enough to draw social security, and the rest of your band are a couple of tools that are influenced by you and your banter enough to play in a rapcore band with you. Get off of your high horse and come down to reality. You are from Rhode Island buddy, not the hood. So beotch, take dem shifaggles off of dem jeans fo' I rip dem shits outta ya handzzzz. Now buck the fuck up, stop talking like street trash and be the middle class white boy that your mopmmy and daddy raised you to be. Oh....and stop drinking Heinekin....everybody knows that it sucks.....dork. Thee mighty one....mighty not know that thee's white.

I,m fuckin metal ...and I think prong kicks ass...I grew up listening to them...And they fuckin rocked that nite...It was like being a kid again..PRONG IS THE SHIT..dude:doublehorns:
[Jun 1,2004 9:57am - Thee Mighty One  ""]
What up Niggaz. Yall have a good long weekend? Me and MY band sure did! Fuckin MASTAMINDZ off the hook nigga. Dont miss the big battle of the bands in Boston this week. After MY band wins we will be playing with Sevendust the next week.

yeeahhh MASTAMINDZ Providence Metal represent!
[Jun 1,2004 11:08am - Otto/Wormdr1v3  ""]
I like Prong a lot. I like Helmet to. Does that make me gay?
[Jun 1,2004 11:09am - Otto/Wormdr1v3  ""]
I can't think for myself, someone tell me please!!!!
[Jun 1,2004 11:44am - theundergroundscene ""]

I didn't do that, someone else did, haha
[Jun 1,2004 11:46am - Otto/Wormdr1v3  ""]
I was laughing so hard my boss came into my office to see if i was alright.
[Jun 1,2004 2:45pm - Thee Mighty One  ""]
Yo Nigga thats fresh art work? Think you can design our next Tshirt logo? that would be mad dope yall. Fuckin metal lives in da '04 Niggaz and the MASTAMINDZ be bringin it to ya!
[Jun 1,2004 4:27pm - theundergroundscene ""]
Haha this one is pretty good actually:

[Jun 1,2004 5:10pm - Abbath ""]
just when i think i'm sick of hearing about these guys, you just have to pull something hillarious like that!
[Jun 3,2004 7:44am - Thee Mighty One  ""]
yall know thats fake cause he would be checkin out the Mighty Ones fine ass Niggas!

Word to your mothers!
[Dec 24,2004 9:09pm - masta-1  ""]
mastamindz is great you guys should be ashammed of yourselves.
[Dec 24,2004 9:20pm - nick ""]
jabu said:is this a joke?


aha hahaha icy hot stunnaz, i havnt seen that in a while.

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