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Just added... DYING FETUS and CSDO 10/23/11

[May 19,2011 8:02pm - CandyStriperDeathOrgy ""]
DYING FETUS and CSDO at the Middle East in Cambridge, MA on October 23... More details coming soon
[May 19,2011 8:34pm - spotlight assassin  ""]
glad you couldn't wait to tell us about it, not like the show's still being put together or it's all about you or anything
[May 19,2011 8:57pm - pam ""]
[May 19,2011 8:59pm - Slag ""]
not sure if man or woman :-(
[May 19,2011 9:02pm - arilliusbm ""]
is outkast playing too?
[May 19,2011 9:11pm - Degenerate bastard  ""]
Really guy , you play with bands you got no business playing with ...
[May 19,2011 10:08pm - The_reverend ""]
That looks like made o wax?
[May 19,2011 10:26pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

[May 20,2011 12:03am - Pires ""]
Book this at hell. W/ dysentery and composted. Watch wiggers show up.

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