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Witcher 2

[May 18,2011 8:01am - Slag ""]

This game might just..... pull me back in to games? It looks unbelievable and so far, the reviews are saying this one is a total winner in a style that I cannot resist.

Geralt, anyone?
[May 18,2011 8:32am - arilliusbm ""]
Witcher 1 was boring as funk.

If this drags you back into games and Portal 2 didn't, well , your arrested.
[May 18,2011 8:49am - SLAAAAGG nli  ""]
Witcher 1 was boring as shit.
[May 18,2011 9:15am - aril‘s personal fluffer  ""]
game is awesome but you need a decent PC to play it.
[May 18,2011 10:54am - ark  ""]
looks great but you need to play P2 first.
[May 18,2011 10:54am - ark  ""]
the first witcher was awful, i could only bear it for 10 minutes. this loooks delicious though.
[May 18,2011 11:01am - ark  ""]
Gaming has come a very long way in terms of interactive narratives and the medium has several works to be proud of. But as impressive as your Mass Effects and Dragon Ages are, the complete moral polarization of the choices presented in these games has become almost comical. In layman’s terms, choosing between Christ-like benevolence and jet-black satanic tyranny has gotten pretty old. The Witcher 2 sidesteps this cliché by creating a gray, ambiguous world that abandons right and wrong for a much more complex focus on choices and consequences. From the very first chapter, the game bombards you with a series of confrontations that will give you pause as to how to proceed.

Typically, games that attempt to introduce truly adult themes into their narrative structure usually just come across as unironically juvenile; The Witcher 2 handles its incredibly mature tone with an unflinching, unapologetic sophistication that demands you take it seriously (and no, I’m not just talking about the amazing breast textures in all of those wonderfully detailed sex scenes). You’re constantly encountering instances of racially motivated violence, rape and prostitution. Every faction and political figure is corrupt to some degree. Even your closest friends have their own agendas that don’t necessarily involve you.

wow, if they can pull this off right i will be impressed. i'm definitely gonna try out this game.
[May 20,2011 12:35pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
got torrent. played this for an hour and had a boner the entire time. i will buy this to support this tiny polish company that so far seems to have outdone any of bioware or bethesda's recent efforts.
[May 20,2011 12:47pm - SLAAAAGG nli  ""]
Fuuuuuuuuuuckkkk. Its that good, eh.
[May 20,2011 12:52pm - arkquimanthorn  ""]
the best part of it is that it plays out like a mature-honest-to-fuck fantasy novel. there are no video game characters. i haven't gotten past the prologue yet so i don't know how "open" the world is but judging by the map i can guess. they use pseudo-Cyrillic character set for the language. attention to detail in every corner. sounds great, best graphics and voice acting i've seen on pc. i actually don't loathe the combat system. so far it has too much going for it.

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