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I'm going to hell for laughing at this

[May 11,2011 5:27pm - conservationist ""]





[May 11,2011 5:31pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
posting in a thread
[May 11,2011 5:55pm - Lamp ""]
[May 11,2011 9:07pm - pam ""]
[May 12,2011 1:20am - DestroyYouAlot ""]


[May 12,2011 1:22am - Blessed_Offal ""]
yea I'm pretty sure I'm going to hell for laughing as much as I did at 'mershed perderder."
[May 12,2011 1:34am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
that post more or less approximates a glimpse into my brain, haha.

[May 12,2011 3:34am - Randy_Marsh ""]
that "when you see it you may chuckle" picture = LOL
[May 12,2011 9:05am - Alx_Casket ""]

Liturgy practice space:
[May 13,2011 1:28pm - dunwich ""]
That hex map with the dice and chits is the sexiest thing I've seen anyone post on RTTP for a while.
[May 15,2011 4:55pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

dunwich said:That hex map with the dice and chits is the sexiest thing I've seen anyone post on RTTP for a while.


Believe this is "The Campaign for North Africa", SPI, 1979. Completely insane, although I'll admit I know it only be reputation. The "60000 minutes" playtime listed on Boardgame Geek is probably pretty spot-on. For fans of supply requisition forms and tracking individual unit upkeep for the entire North African theatre. Totally want to somehow acquire a copy and attempt a game.
[May 15,2011 6:56pm - dunwichnli  ""]
I've been addicted to Fantasy Flight boardgames lately. The time commitment for those alone is too much for most people and they pale in comparison to that monstrosity. I wouldn't mind learning a bit more about some of the older strategy/war games.
[May 15,2011 7:05pm - demondave ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:INCOMING



[May 15,2011 7:44pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

dunwichnli said:I've been addicted to Fantasy Flight boardgames lately. The time commitment for those alone is too much for most people and they pale in comparison to that monstrosity.

YES. Big fan of these. Descent is like HeroQuest on 'roids, Doom is just awesome and way way hard-to-impossible for the players. Haven't checked out the others, yet.

I wouldn't mind learning a bit more about some of the older strategy/war games.

There's a few of'em. LOL

I really dig the Starship Troopers hex-and-counter game from the 70s:


[May 15,2011 8:06pm - dunwich ""]
I'm a fan of Descent and Arkham Horror. AH does a good job capturing the feel of HP Lovecraft's stories and the way the players have to work against the board is pretty clever. Runebound is ok but I don't think I'll end up playing it too much.
[May 15,2011 8:18pm - mikefrommaine ""]
destroyyoualot wins
[May 15,2011 10:57pm - arilliusbm ""]

this deserves a very rare LMFAO

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