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Celtics vs. Heat 2011

[May 1,2011 6:27pm - ouchdrummer ""]
I know how it sounds complaining about the refs, but the Heat got 100% more free throws, Paul Pierce was booted for absolutely nothing, Jermaine Oneal had a flagrant called on him for protecting his body against a running opponent.... sure... the Celtics WEREN'T shooting well at all, but if they didn't call 3 fouls on Rhondo IMMEDIATELY the first half would have went totally different... I hate the NBA.
[May 1,2011 6:38pm - LPCustom  ""]
Agreed. I don't like making excuses - bottom line - they played bad, didn't hit shots, had chances to make a run and Rondo threw terrible passes etc etc - but BOGUS fucking calls for sure. JOs flagrant, how about Pierce getting wrapped around the neck and not getting one? Hello!?! And then you get double technicals to protect yourself when the refs don't call a flagrant!

Like I said, played bad, etc etc - so no excuses, but bullshit! We absolutely NEED Game 2 though.
[May 1,2011 7:13pm - ShadowSD ""]
[May 1,2011 8:14pm - arilliusbm ""]
I missed the game because I was at the sox but from the sounds of it, the NBA wants the heat to win
[May 1,2011 8:22pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

arilliusbm said:I missed the game because I was at the sox but from the sounds of it, the NBA wants the heat to win

sure seemed like it. I was hoping Pierce would pull a gat outta his mouth and shoot someone
[May 4,2011 8:12am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
oooofa. Ain't lookin good. Rondo gets run over and no foul, but the Green jersey jumps with no contact and gets called....can you say scripted seven games?
[May 4,2011 9:37am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
kinda glad i've missed both games. i think my hand would be broken from punching walls otherwise.
[May 7,2011 6:26pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
[May 7,2011 6:36pm - Skinsandwich ""]
Celtics season over tonight.
[May 7,2011 9:57pm - LPCustom  ""]
If Rondo didn't just brake his arm I'll be surprised.
[May 7,2011 10:05pm - yep nli  ""]
wade is a scumbag
[May 7,2011 10:24pm - Archaeon ""]
Bulls are going to beat whoever they play anyway so whatever. DERRICK ROSE BITCH.
[May 7,2011 10:49pm - yep nli  ""]

Skinsandwich said:Celtics season over tonight.

oh ya?
[May 7,2011 11:12pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

yep%20nli said:

Skinsandwich said:Celtics season over tonight.

oh ya?

oh snap?
[May 7,2011 11:34pm - ouchdrummer ""]
what up now punk bitches!
[May 8,2011 11:13am - RustyPS ""]
Rondo is indestructible
[May 10,2011 5:19pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

RustyPS said:Rondo is indestructible

Saturday he was. And KG was unstoppable. Not Monday. WTF was up with Rondo missing that layup, would have won the fucking game. And KG and Ray Allen bumping into each other with 10 seconds left? BAH!
[May 10,2011 5:23pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
he dun goofed his arm up.
[May 10,2011 5:32pm - arilliusbm ""]
they be dun.
[May 10,2011 5:37pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Heat will get destroyed by Chicago if they beat us.
[May 10,2011 10:47pm - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:Heat will get destroyed by Chicago if they beat us.
[May 11,2011 5:31am - arilliusbm ""]
I dunno. Hawks are playing great against em
[May 11,2011 6:59am - Slag NLI  ""]
Season ends tonight!

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