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[May 24,2004 9:05pm - powerkok ""]
[May 24,2004 9:06pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
dude that shit was right outside my window this morning. i'm sick of it!
[May 24,2004 9:09pm - succubus ""]
here too and there are no blinds...only large windows and skylights!!!

it's lightening like mad!!!
[May 24,2004 9:10pm - powerkok ""]
the fuckin lightning is pretty sweet...i see a power outage in the very near future
[May 24,2004 9:17pm - succubus ""]
damn the thunder is scary...it's raining so hard now!
[May 24,2004 9:37pm - retzam ""]
Fuck that shit! Last night was the worst around here. I woke up at 1:00 and it felt like there was lightning striking my fucking house. My head is right near a window, and I remembered a conversation I had with my science teacher about how lightning can go through glass, so I got the fuck out of my bed and sat the storm out, which, fortunately, passed in 10 or 15 minutes or so. That was fucked.
[May 24,2004 9:39pm - succubus ""]
severe thunderstorm warning!!!!
worcester, middlesex and essex counties in MA!!
it's scrollin accross the screen on tv
[May 24,2004 10:27pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
it barely hit here.
[May 24,2004 10:39pm - Dread_104 ""]
it was sweet in brockton. i sat on the front steps and watched it. it had that end of the world feel
[May 24,2004 10:49pm - Abbath ""]
i see it in the distance on the cape
[May 24,2004 11:35pm - menstrual_sweatpants_disco ""]
i like thunder and lightning. It makes me feel like the UPS I bought is going to good use.
[May 24,2004 11:54pm - guest  ""]
Driving out of boston, I think the damned thunderclouds were moving across the sky faster than my car was treading water across the asphalt. In fact, at first I thought it was smoke from a huge fire or something, because I've never seen clouds move so fast.
[May 25,2004 9:40am - deadhooker ""]
I heard the loudest thunder I have ever heard in the middle of the night 2 days ago, I literally jumped awake. I think I peed too.
[May 25,2004 6:21pm - retzam ""]
That's what I was talking about in my post deadhooker! Damn, that was loud.
[May 25,2004 7:33pm - morkul ""]
Damn! Is it still shitty out there or what? Hot as Fuck already here. And I here Californa is even nicer right now. You got to love the West Coast.....
[May 25,2004 8:22pm - deadhooker ""]
I'ts mid 50's and wet, and will be for a bit now. I think Thursday we might have sun but then it's rain again... God Damn New England

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