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Sunday May 22 - @ Rocko's Manch, NH - Mercury Switch (very special set)/CROWNEVICT/Too Late The Hero/Breathe/Buckhunter

[show listing]  __________________________________
[Apr 25,2011 12:35pm - moenli  ""]
hai guyz! I'll be back in town playing heavy music for the first time in a goddamned long time. Lets party!

Sunday May 22nd
Rockos in Manchester, New Hampshire
Doors @ 3pm, show at 4pm!
...Breathe (4:45 to 5:15)
Buckhunter (5:30 to 6)
Too Late The Hero (6:15 to 6:45)
Crownevict (7 to 7:45)
Mercury Switch (8 to 9ish) [a very special set you will NOT want to miss!]
[Apr 25,2011 12:42pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
[Apr 25,2011 12:43pm - blue ""]
Won't be there, wish I could be.
[Apr 25,2011 12:56pm - moenli  ""]
Jeez, forgot to say, Merc Switch is playing a split set. One with me on drums doing the new album, one with Jon Kirsch on drums playing a set of the old hits!
[Apr 25,2011 1:07pm - BlackoutRick ""]
BUCK fuckin HUNTER!!!!
[Apr 25,2011 1:28pm - Mattkings ""]
ahhh bummed im going to miss this, fuggg
[Apr 25,2011 11:46pm - moenli  ""]
[Apr 26,2011 1:09am - Pires ""]
Yet ANOTHER show I can't attend. FUCK YOU VACATION.
[Apr 26,2011 10:42am - moenli  ""]
white people and their "vacations"
[Apr 26,2011 10:51am - Pires ""]

moenli said:white people and their "vacations"


Im a stereotypical white person
[Apr 26,2011 11:04am - MillenialKingdom ""]
I might try to attend this. I haven't seen Mercury Switch since they played Soulfest in 2003.
[Apr 27,2011 9:40am - moenli  ""]
come on out, man
we can be all christian together and whatnot
[Apr 28,2011 12:20pm - moenli  ""]
[Apr 28,2011 12:43pm - xanonymousx ""]
I b3lieve th4t lov3 iz stronga thann clinc4ed fi5tz n broken wriztzz
[Apr 28,2011 1:39pm - brian_dc ""]
and I'm going to be in Illinois for my cousin's wedding.
[Apr 29,2011 2:28am - moenli  ""]
goddamnit williams
[Apr 29,2011 9:27am - moenli  ""]
[Apr 29,2011 9:27am - moenli  ""]
[Apr 29,2011 12:08pm - xanonymousx ""]
This show is like three years in the making.
[Apr 29,2011 12:44pm - moenli  ""]
tell me about it...i'm just pumped for good times
[May 3,2011 11:20pm - moenlie  ""]
[May 11,2011 12:39am - moenli  ""]
holler if you saw the secret set this past weekend!
[May 11,2011 12:54am - moenli  ""]

the_network has been added!
[May 11,2011 11:34am - MillenialKingdom ""]
Wow, this is turning out to be one of the best local shows in a long time.
[May 16,2011 9:51pm - moenli  ""]
[May 17,2011 12:14am - ryann_  ""]
checked the date of this....thought someone bumped an old thread. blast from the past
[May 23,2011 6:18pm - xanonymousx ""]
great 2hr long set guyz
[May 23,2011 9:52pm - moenli  ""]
Thanks man!

http://vimeo.com/themetalunion/videos = VIDJAS

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