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We need a singer

[Jan 23,2003 3:37pm - gacyprospect ""]
Does anyone want to do vocals for the gacey prospect. Metalcore with occasional hardcore and melodic.
[Jan 23,2003 4:19pm - joostin ""]
that sucks, no more RJ:thescream:
[Jan 23,2003 9:21pm - gacyprospect ""]
well hes still in it, but wen hes in a bad mood he doesnt like bein in the band....i want like a permanent person, not like quit wen u feel like it
[Jan 23,2003 9:36pm - umbrella  ""]
does this mean umbrella can play feb. 8? email me if we can. the13umbrellas@yahoo.com thanks, joe
[Jan 23,2003 11:02pm - nun_slaughter ""]
ill sing. hit me up on AIM or email me

AIM: idioteque nation
email: myfalseheart@aol.com

im into mayhem, cryptopsy, eyehategod, anal blast, creation is crucifixion, dillinger escape plan, crowbar, unearth, red roses for a blue lady, terror, bad brains, superjoint ritual, today is the day, drowningman, between the buried and me, love is red, shit like that. my influences and equipment and shit are at my bands website http://jesuswept.cjb.net
[Feb 22,2004 4:29pm - woodz ""]
hey im interested in the gig
[Feb 22,2004 6:05pm - pardonthemess ""]
i am interested in singing email me wordsofburning@hotmail.com
[Feb 23,2004 1:39am - joostin ""]
this thread is old old old. this band is dead.
[Feb 26,2004 3:04pm - kyleisrad ""]
holy shit ass, gacy is back/still together, i smell a msl gacy show in someones basement real soon, and i mean real soon.

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