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ATTN: any bands interested in playing an all ages venue in Fitchburg MA

[Apr 14,2011 3:20pm - severnli  ""]
Someone I know is co-opening an all ages venue in Downtown Fitchburg and asked me to supply him with a list of bands to check out for booking purposes. Capacity of the venue is a good 150-200 depending on how much dick the city decides to suck. If you're interested in bringing the slam to the dirty burg reply to this with your band, genre and any website or contact information that you aren't too lazy to type and I'll add it to the list.

No pay-to-play bullshit just small cover charges to keep the doors open. Main St parking is free and plentiful after 6pm. A bar is also opening downstairs, seperate from the venue, but I have no details on it.

I know that Fitchburg is crap, but there's jack shit to do so kids ALWAYS come out. It'll be a good time.
[Apr 14,2011 3:22pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
Scaphism is down


also on reverbnation.
[Apr 14,2011 3:22pm - SAXLBECKETT  ""]
[Apr 14,2011 3:24pm - Eddie ""]

[Apr 14,2011 3:31pm - Alx_Casket ""]
Closed Casket loves seeing kids beat each other up.

[Apr 14,2011 3:49pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
fitchburg is sleazy and full of scumbags... our music should go over quite well given those circumstances.
[Apr 14,2011 3:55pm - Alexecutioner ""]
Forced Asphyxiation would love to play out there too.


[Apr 14,2011 4:40pm - reimroc ""]
[Apr 14,2011 4:56pm - sever ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:fitchburg is sleazy and full of scumbags... our music should go over quite well given those circumstances.

hahaha you guys were one of the first bands I thought of and I put you on the list before I even made this thread. fitchburg's rape statistics are high.. BUT NOT HIGH ENOUGH
[Apr 14,2011 4:59pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
lol i figured that was the case
[Apr 14,2011 6:21pm - blue ""]
man, this place has shit tons of potential since its all ages. but fitchburg? damn. hope this place does well.
[Apr 14,2011 7:58pm - escape_artist ""]
Dead languages would love to taint the youth of Fitchburg..
[Apr 14,2011 8:06pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
Girl Bullets (Rock N Roll stuff like Joan Jett, Black Keys, Led Zeppelin)

[Apr 14,2011 8:38pm - reimroc ""]

blue said:man, this place has shit tons of potential since its all ages. but fitchburg? damn. hope this place does well.

im sure there are enough people in the fitchburg/leominster area to keep this venue going.
[Apr 14,2011 8:55pm - sever ""]

reimroc said:
blue said:man, this place has shit tons of potential since its all ages. but fitchburg? damn. hope this place does well.

im sure there are enough people in the fitchburg/leominster area to keep this venue going.

the demand for shows is there. its just a matter of not letting people get stabbed or beat up haha.
[Apr 14,2011 9:34pm - soul remnants  ""]
Soul Remnants would most likely be available
(Blackened death thrash)
Contact us through the myspace, this thread or soulremnants at rocketmail.com
[Apr 14,2011 11:00pm - awantedawakening ""]
A Wanted Awakening (Lowell,MA Metal)

[Apr 14,2011 11:16pm - t2daeek ""]
shoot a line to hive smasher if the situation requires such things.
[Apr 15,2011 12:19am - Doubtful  ""]

severnli said:Someone I know is co-opening an all ages venue in Downtown Fitchburg

This wouldn't happen to be "Umbrella Gallery" Ryan who books up the UU, right? Man does bang up work, booked an awesome Tinsel Teeth show last week.
[Apr 15,2011 4:38am - sever ""]
There's a chance he may be a part of this, but he isn't the "someone I know." Ryan is an awesome guy though.
[Apr 15,2011 6:45am - Skinsandwich ""]
[Apr 15,2011 12:11pm - sixstringcarnage ""]

Alexecutioner said:Forced Asphyxiation would love to play out there too.



[Apr 15,2011 2:59pm - brodown ""]
Hivesmasher would, but we broke up.
[Apr 15,2011 3:01pm - ONTHESHIT ""]
[Apr 15,2011 4:53pm - sever ""]


you'll fit in very well here
[Apr 15,2011 4:57pm - Alexecutioner ""]
everyone in Fitchburg is ONTHESHIT, amirite?
[Apr 15,2011 5:06pm - sixstringcarnage ""]

Alexecutioner said:everyone in Fitchburg is ONTHESHIT, amirite?

Where's david caruso when you need em?
[Apr 15,2011 5:31pm - Chriskar  ""]
Vattnet Viskar will.

[Apr 15,2011 9:46pm - reimroc ""]

Alexecutioner said:everyone in Fitchburg is ONTHESHIT, amirite?

fitchburg does have the best dope in new england outside of springfield, worcester and providence, ri.
[Apr 16,2011 7:32am - hauptpflucker ""]
Katahdin (Black Metal/Death Metal)
[Apr 16,2011 8:19am - Skinsandwich ""]

reimroc said:
Alexecutioner said:everyone in Fitchburg is ONTHESHIT, amirite?

fitchburg does have the best dope in new england outside of springfield, worcester and providence, ri.

[Apr 16,2011 9:56am - sever ""]

Skinsandwich said:
reimroc said:
Alexecutioner said:everyone in Fitchburg is ONTHESHIT, amirite?

fitchburg does have the best dope in new england outside of springfield, worcester and providence, ri.


the amount of drugs that flow through here is almost scary.
[Apr 17,2011 9:09pm - autofellatio ""]
Ryan Scott is the man.

What venue is this?

Autofellatio will play a sick acoustic set bro.
[Apr 18,2011 8:53am - sever ""]
Remember the old coffee shop that umbrella was trying to get?

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