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A question for Morbid Angel fans...

[May 23,2004 9:29pm - retzam ""]
What language is Dave Vincent speaking in Lord Of All Fevers And Plague?

"Ninnghizhidda - open my eyes
Ninnghizhidda - hear my cries
Plumed serpant of the deep
Plumed serpant of the gate

I command - come before me
I command - bring the key
Rise from the depths
See the fire in my wand
Ia iak sakkakh iak sakkakth
Ia shaxul

I call forth the god pazuzu
I call forth the lord of plague
I am of the lost
Creatures of spawn of hate
Rejoice in the heaving earth
Praise the ripping sky
Rise spread disease
Consume their puny souls

Ia iak sakkakh iak sakkakth
Ia shaxul
Ia kingu ia cthulu ia azbul
Iz azabua

Ride the wings of death..."

Is he just bullshitting or something or is he speaking some tribal language or what?? I notice mention of a "cthulu", but other than that I am lost.
[May 23,2004 10:14pm - Kalopsia ""]
read The Necronomicon and you will understand. they are ancient chants. i don't remember what the name of the language it is. i wanna say latin but i have a strong feeling i'm wrong.
[May 23,2004 10:23pm - DugOfXistance ""]
I think it's Mesopotamian perhaps. Something from the ancient middle east.
[May 23,2004 10:27pm - Dissector ""]
Ninnghizhidda is a demon that guards one of the gates of hell. And all I konw is its an ancient chant like Kalopsia said.
[May 23,2004 11:49pm - Joe/NotCommon ""]
The abhorred demo also guards one of the gates to hell.
[May 23,2004 11:53pm - BornSoVile ""]
[May 24,2004 2:15am - powerkok ""]
sumerian and akkadian, from mesopotamia.
[May 24,2004 9:28am - the_reverend ""]
Dissector said:Ninnghizhidda is a demo that guards one of the gates of hell. And all I konw is its an ancient chant like Kalopsia said.

I bet you know this cause you met him.
[May 24,2004 4:00pm - Dissector ""]
Ninnghizhidda is my boy! Me and him go way back. Sometimes he sneaks me into the back gate.
[May 24,2004 4:35pm - Dread_104 ""]
i read somewhere that it was sumerian. i'm pretty sure it was in an old MA interview
[May 24,2004 4:39pm - DugOfXistance ""]
Mesopotamian. Sumerian. It's all Greek to me.
[May 24,2004 9:50pm - retzam ""]
Thanks for all the responses. I guess it is Sumerian; that sounds the most logical. It is definitely not Latin, Kalopsia (don't mean to be an ass about it).

Argh, I hate the Necronomicon. Whoever the hell took the time to write a book that was written about in a bunch of horror stories and tried to take it seriously is a fool. What a douche. I don't think anyone has or will understand my hate for that book.
[May 24,2004 11:45pm - powerkok ""]
powerkok said:sumerian and akkadian, from mesopotamia.

i got this directly from the necronomicon...thats why i said it, cuz its right.
[May 25,2004 12:54am - Kalopsia ""]
retzam said:Thanks for all the responses. I guess it is Sumerian; that sounds the most logical. It is definitely not Latin, Kalopsia (don't mean to be an ass about it).

no offense taken. i said i had a strong feeling i was wrong about it anyway. for some reason Latin was the only thing that came to my head
[May 25,2004 10:01am - Dissector At School  ""]
I thought the actual book came out before all the horror movies? I could be wrong I never read it.
[May 25,2004 10:47am - morkul ""]
The book did come out before all those movies. And yes I actually took the time out to read it when I was 17. Man I wish I had that day back......
[May 25,2004 1:43pm - powerkok ""]
ya, its very stupid, nonsensical, and hard to read. but you can cast spells and make demons come alive! you can raise enough demons to do all your chores and goto dunkins for a wicked pissah coolatta, while you play video games! try it!
[May 25,2004 2:17pm - swamplorddvm ""]
Hahahaha love that song.
[May 25,2004 6:18pm - retzam ""]
Sure it came out before the movies, but Lovecraft was writing it into his stories in the early 1900s, way before it was actually written and published (which was in 1980). Even the Satanic Bible wasn't written until the mid 70s.
[May 25,2004 6:23pm - Dissector ""]
Levay is a tool.

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