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Harry Shearer Appreciation

[Apr 7,2011 10:26pm - hauptpflucker ""]
Principal Skinner, Derek Smalls of Spinal Tap, the tranny folk bass player in A Mighty Wind and his radio show is funny too.
[Apr 8,2011 9:57am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
[Apr 8,2011 9:57am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
I've adopted the practice...

...of taking care of my skin.

It's something, you know,
sometimes you get razzed a Little bit.

I think Jerry was razzing me
the other day at Alan's house about it.

He caught me in the bathroom...

...and I did that thing where
I put my hands down fast...

...and he said, "What are you
doing there?" But really...

...Norwegian fishermen have used
hand cream for centuries.

And with that regimen,
and it's a very simple one...

...I know that when I walk out
on-stage tonight, I will-- My skin...

...will Look its best in front
of 2000 people.

That will give me the confidence
that will help me to play my best...

...and sing my best and be my best...

...and you can't put a price on that.
[Apr 8,2011 10:01am - arktouros ""]

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