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Jay Severin fired from WTKK

[Apr 7,2011 4:59pm - the_reverend ""]

I heard him say that too, but didn't really care. I. Was wondering why bauer was on and not mentioning jay anymore just like the did with mcpee
[Apr 7,2011 5:01pm - thirdknuckle ""]
Bauer sucks. Unlistenable
[Apr 7,2011 5:03pm - AndrewBastard ""]
hahah fuck. I love that dude...

I'm gonna miss him. I've been on NPR all day. whos on TKK right now?
[Apr 7,2011 5:03pm - AndrewBastard ""]
yeah Bower gets old quick...why was he co hosting with Jay for all that time? slowly easing him in to replace him?
[Apr 7,2011 5:03pm - eric ""]
He's been saying that for years. He signed a million dollar per year contract before the economy went to shit and it was crippiling greater media. They just needed an excuse to get out of the contract. His ratings were tanking too.

Sucks. Dudes my hero.
[Apr 7,2011 5:04pm - the_reverend ""]
Bauer and jay together was actually really good. Not quite braudy and severin, but jay alone lately has just constatly been saying "michelle obama is a fat assed lady"
[Apr 7,2011 5:08pm - the_reverend ""]
I'm back on npr for my drive. That pic of his makes him look extremely lecherous.
[Apr 7,2011 5:10pm - narkybark ""]
what happened to mcpee, anyway?
[Apr 7,2011 5:18pm - AndrewBastard ""]
McPhee went to a different station...i forget where but I read it in the Herald.
[Apr 7,2011 5:18pm - AndrewBastard ""]
she was an idiot anyway
[Apr 7,2011 5:30pm - the_reverend ""]
Mcphee took off a lot of time for writing books. She's on a crappy am station now.
[Apr 7,2011 5:41pm - boxxy ""]
fucking awesome, i wish i slept with all the women that have worked for me.... wait... i've never had anyone work for me. ha.
[Apr 7,2011 5:57pm - famesag  ""]
Nice log in box box
[Apr 7,2011 11:52pm - Bas  ""]
He only makes these claims of sleeping with woman to try and distract from the fact that HE'S FUCKING GAY.
[Apr 8,2011 1:11am - the_reverend ""]
he kind of looks like a burn victim.
[Apr 8,2011 1:14am - the_reverend ""]
I guess now I'll be listening to NPR more, except from 10pm to 1am where john batchelor's show is.
his show is EXCELLENT.
[Apr 8,2011 3:31am - Eddie ""]

the_reverend said:he kind of looks like a burn victim.

[Apr 8,2011 8:06am - Negrotichrist 777  ""]
Another well-balanced Jewish-American. How's liberalism working out for you?

He's right though:

'Those girls that got to sleep with me got to know their boss better, they got to go on trips, they got to travel in some cases to various parts of the world, to see things and meet people that they never would have seen or done.

Women are basically chattel because they behave like it. Your average girl will trade her anal virginity for a better apartment.
[Apr 8,2011 8:08am - Yeti ""]
[Apr 8,2011 8:11am - Botorious N.I.G.  ""]
Fucking trolls. All they do is bitch like little girls who don't like the taste of Daddy's yeasty penis. Queers.
[Apr 8,2011 8:18am - AndrewBastard ""]
I went to a live WTKK show with Serverin at Kens Steak House once. He was super nice. I shook his hand and told him "I may look like some long haired, tattooed, hippy liberal but I'm not! Metalheads for Severin!" and he goes "I'd never judge. I looked a lot like you once..."

I also got a free drink out of it during the commercials because he would play this game, who ever could yell out the name of the buffer music he was playing first won a drink on him...I nailed Winger and proceeded to house a vodka cranberry in front of his very eyes.
[Apr 8,2011 8:54am - the_reverend ""]
I thought about going to one of those things.
[Apr 8,2011 12:31pm - narkybark ""]
He probably played Winger hoping some woman would yell it first, so he could loosen them up with jesus juice and then fingerpop them under the table, am i rite
[Apr 8,2011 12:35pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Haha, say what you will about Jimmy Severino, he's at least as much of a dirtbag as the rest of us. :D
[Apr 8,2011 12:35pm - narkybark ""]
For reals, though, he's better than Bauer, and better than most radio hosts in general (regardless of politics, I'm speaking of his radio style and ability to remain engaging).
[Apr 8,2011 12:58pm - RustyPS should be working  ""]
INB4 Dan Severin fired from WWF
[Apr 8,2011 2:39pm - Botorious N.I.G.  ""]
Winger is the shit, man
[Apr 8,2011 6:19pm - the_reverend ""]
I liked when he said he had a degree from some where and that place was like "nope"
[Jan 9,2012 7:32pm - the_reverend ""]
AHAHAHAHAHA oh how the mighty have fallen. he is on 1200AM
[Jan 9,2012 7:42pm - AndrewBastard NLI  ""]
I miss him :(

i dont even listen to WTKK anymore.
[Jan 9,2012 7:52pm - illinoisenemaBradness ""]

the_reverend said:AHAHAHAHAHA oh how the mighty have fallen. he is on 1200AM

LOL! He deserves it. He's such a pompous ass. 1200, shit, 680, 850, 1030 or GTFO
[Jan 9,2012 8:08pm - burnsy ""]
Haha I figured this would've been posted already. Known about it for months. I listened a couple times but I don't bother anymore. Used to find his show entertaining but his appeal has worn off. John Batchelor or fuck off.
[Jul 17,2019 10:13am - anonymous  ""]
News of WTKK firing Jay Severine made me very happy. Jay Severine was reported several times for speaking on controversial issues on his radio program I was listening the live program on edusson.com source.. He was giving heated comments about the Muslims.
[Jul 17,2019 11:17am - the_reverend ""]
oops.. that's not spam.
[Mar 24,2020 1:31pm - heera  ""]
Stupid filtered SPAMBOT post:

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