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INTHESHIT sucks and so does hivesmasher so fuck those fake bullshit bands

[Apr 7,2011 1:04pm - Slymee NLI  ""]
I hope you all die.
[Apr 7,2011 1:06pm - BlessedOffalNLI  ""]
cool story, troll.
[Apr 7,2011 1:13pm - RichHorror ""]
HiveSmasher broke up.
[Apr 7,2011 1:17pm - nekronaut ""]
ITT: Teenagers were meant to fuck.
[Apr 7,2011 1:20pm - Yeti ""]
Scaphism need to stop their reign of unfettered hurlyburly.
[Apr 7,2011 1:43pm - W3 nli  ""]
If I knew there was a party I would have wore a hat, so you could have told what a lovely hat I was wear but you never told me I was wearing a lovely hat. You motherfucker I wore this lovely hat for you and never once commented on it. Fuck you and fuck your party, im taking my hat somewhere where people will notice and comment on my lovely hat.
[Apr 7,2011 1:45pm - nekronaut ""]
[Apr 7,2011 1:48pm - RichHorror ""]
[Apr 12,2011 6:57pm - aaron_michael ""]
hivesmasher broke up
[Apr 12,2011 7:43pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

nekronaut said:ITT: Teenagers were meant to fuck.

"His name is fucking HELLBOY?!?"
[Apr 12,2011 8:00pm - xgodzillax ""]
[Apr 12,2011 8:16pm - nekronaut ""]

DestroyYouAlot said:
nekronaut said:ITT: Teenagers were meant to fuck.

"His name is fucking HELLBOY?!?"

+10000000000000 grim points for getting random reference
[Apr 12,2011 8:22pm - RustyPS ""]

nekronaut said:[img]
where's the "pan down" option?
[Apr 12,2011 11:07pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

nekronaut said:
DestroyYouAlot said:
nekronaut said:ITT: Teenagers were meant to fuck.

"His name is fucking HELLBOY?!?"

+10000000000000 grim points for jerking off to your own ass, and just, like, jerk off to that?

[Apr 12,2011 11:15pm - Alx_Casket ""]

aaron_michael said:hivesmasher broke up

[Apr 12,2011 11:17pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

Alx_Casket said:
aaron_michael said:hivesmasher broke up


ha i dunno why this made me lol
[Apr 12,2011 11:19pm - Alx_Casket ""]
I had a feeling you would <3
[Apr 12,2011 11:29pm - aaron_michael ""]
HIVES MASHER is the reincarnation. start the hate.
[Apr 13,2011 2:02am - HATE  ""]
[Apr 13,2011 9:13am - the_mex ""]
These are my grapes
[Apr 13,2011 9:15am - RichHorror ""]
Hives Masher broke up.
[Apr 13,2011 9:18am - RustyPS should be working  ""]
[Apr 13,2011 9:50am - FuckIsMySignature ""]
damn kids and your rock and roll music.
[Apr 13,2011 10:17am - aaron_michael ""]
how was jail? did you make any friends?
[Apr 15,2011 2:34pm - ONTHESHIT ""]
[Apr 15,2011 2:37pm - reimroc ""]
this thread has transcended retardation
[Apr 15,2011 2:56pm - brodown ""]
Hiv esmas her = fake transcendental bullshit bands
[Apr 15,2011 3:06pm - ONTHESHIT ""]
[Apr 15,2011 5:11pm - sixstringcarnage ""]

nekronaut said:[img]

This should scroll down more. But apparently it does not. Whamp wham

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