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[Apr 4,2011 9:52pm - W3 nli  ""]
I cant believe this shit. I guess they are off the bill.
[Apr 4,2011 10:05pm - arilliusbm ""]
Blame TickleBomb.
[Apr 4,2011 10:08pm - xmikex ""]
[Apr 4,2011 10:24pm - Lamp ""]
Now who's gonna smash all the hives?
[Apr 4,2011 10:45pm - Aaron_michael ""]
this chorus of misfits don't stop until the fat lady cums
[Apr 4,2011 10:48pm - RustyPS ""]

W3%20nli said:I cant believe this shit. I guess they are off the pill.

Tyler's preggers?
[Apr 5,2011 7:22am - t2daeeknli  ""]
rusty we actually broke up because we heard you were preggers. congrats, and thanks a lot. you really fucked up.
[Apr 5,2011 7:26am - Yeti ""]
[Apr 5,2011 7:30am - RustyPS ""]

t2daeeknli said:rusty we actually broke up because we heard you were preggers. congrats, and thanks a lot. you really fucked up.
I was wondering why I hadn't had my period yet
[Apr 5,2011 8:23am - t2daeeknli  ""]

Yeti said:FINALLY

i know right?
apparently someone couldn't wait.
[Apr 14,2011 4:00pm - aaron_michael ""]
[Apr 14,2011 4:39pm - reimroc ""]
dayum shame
[Apr 14,2011 5:13pm - the_reverend ""]
This isn't news.
[Apr 14,2011 5:14pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
[Apr 14,2011 5:16pm - aaron_michael ""]

the_reverend said:This isn't news.

It isn't, but Rich claims "HiveSmasher Broke Up is a meme".
So it is spewed, so it is done.

Plus I'm bored at the office.
[Apr 14,2011 5:23pm - Randy_Marsh ""]

aaron_michael said:
the_reverend said:This isn't news.

It isn't, but Rich claims "HiveSmasher Broke Up is a meme".
So it is spewed, so it is done.

Plus I'm bored at the office.

ur an office.
[Apr 14,2011 5:25pm - Randy_Marsh ""]
god i need to stop doing that
[Apr 14,2011 5:43pm - aaron_michael ""]

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