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kill yourself if your band is retardedly named:

[Apr 2,2011 12:29pm - shitzburg  ""]
old growth (as in what? and old boil on your shin?)
candy striper death orgy (obvious name generator)
worm wood
hive smasher (fucking stupid)
skull tabogin
you get my point just kill yourself
[Apr 2,2011 12:33pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
taste of sliver
[Apr 2,2011 12:36pm - i_am_not_me ""]
Yawn. What an uninspiring troll thread.
[Apr 2,2011 12:38pm - SungwooAVERSED ""]
well...i get what you mean. i don't like band names that sound completely dumb but that doesn't ALWAYS mean the music is bad.
[Apr 2,2011 1:03pm - aaron_michael ""]
we wanted to call ourselves Mudvayne but that name was already taken.
[Apr 2,2011 1:08pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i wish more bands were named after misspelled vegetables.
[Apr 2,2011 1:16pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
I actually kinda like Hive Smasher. Also, Blessed Offal is pretty stupid when you think about it.
[Apr 2,2011 1:18pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
Hivesmasher makes me think of that Steam game Natural Selection

[Apr 2,2011 1:33pm - Lamp ""]

shitzburg said:tabogin
[Apr 2,2011 1:36pm - Lamp ""]
I also chuckled at both of these remarks:

FuckIsMySignature said:i wish more bands were named after misspelled vegetables.

aaron_michael said:we wanted to call ourselves Mudvayne but that name was already taken.
[Apr 2,2011 1:41pm - xmikex ""]
ITT: Hivesmasher changes name to Overkill
[Apr 2,2011 1:51pm - RustyPS ""]

xmikex said:ITT: Hivesmasher changes name to Asian Aaron and the Whiteys
[Apr 2,2011 2:13pm - blue ""]

Blessed_Offal said:I actually kinda like Hive Smasher. Also, Blessed Offal is pretty stupid when you think about it.

i think hivesmasher is a sweet name. and agreed, rosstacular. but it sounds cool.
[Apr 2,2011 2:41pm - RichHorror ""]

aaron_michael said:we wanted to call ourselves Pig Destroyer but that name was already taken.
[Apr 2,2011 3:08pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
i always thought your name was Hives Masher? boy was i off.
[Apr 2,2011 3:14pm - Sacreligion ""]
HIV E-Smasher
[Apr 2,2011 3:20pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Life at Zero: thank fuck they broke up.
[Apr 2,2011 3:26pm - FuckIsMySignature ""]
none of you assholes had a band name cool enough to be ripped-off by Justin Beiber...

[Apr 2,2011 10:59pm - Woah!_NLI!  ""]
inb4 Boarcorpse
[Apr 2,2011 11:27pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]

xmikex said:ITT: Hivesmasher changes name to Overkill

I'm convinced Overkill doesn't actually exist as anything other than a sticker company that sent my radio station a single jewel case and 300 stickers of their logo.
[Apr 3,2011 1:17am - mattnaegleria ""]
naegleria is a stupid name
[Apr 3,2011 2:48am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Apr 3,2011 3:04am - douchebag_patrol ""]
[Apr 3,2011 3:19am - Randy_Marsh ""]
yeah i think Hivesmasher is a pretty awesome name and my opinion is highly valued by everyone on earth and in space.
[Apr 3,2011 10:00am - josh_hates_you ""]
only naming your band after a magic card is real.
[Apr 3,2011 10:09am - TheGreatSpaldino ""]

josh_hates_you said:only naming your band after a magic card is real.

d00d... lets start a band named Serra Angel! OR Sengir Vampire!

even better... Llanowar Elves!
[Apr 3,2011 10:25am - josh_hates_you ""]
[Apr 3,2011 10:26am - josh_hates_you ""]
do a zombie ritual about it, faggot.
[Apr 3,2011 10:41am - RichHorror ""]
Tap your mana about it.
[Apr 3,2011 10:49am - ShadowSD ""]

FuckIsMySignature said:i wish more bands were named after misspelled vegetables.

Well there goes my side project Tomatu.
[Apr 3,2011 11:03am - aegathis ""]
Ive always disliked Coffin Birth as a band name,but I really liked the logo .
I agree with Hive smasher being a cool name, as well as Sexcrement. Clearly more thought went into those names then a great deal of 1-2 word band names out there.
[Apr 3,2011 11:27am - theoneTRVEnekronautshaver  ""]

Randy_Marsh said:yeah i think Hivesmasher is a pretty awesome name and my opinion is highly valued by everyone on earth and in space.
[Apr 3,2011 11:44am - dreadkill ""]
Most band names are stupid. If the music is good, who cares about the name?
[Apr 3,2011 11:55am - Alexecutioner ""]
i think one of the more retarded band names i have seen recently has got to be "Clever titles have parenthesis"
[Apr 3,2011 12:10pm - Aaron_michael ""]
Years ago, I thought Swans was a faggy band name and never gave the band a chance because if it.
Boy, was I wrong to do so for so long.
Since it seems this thread was a directed bash on my bands name in particular, I'll just leave it at this:
Dont like a bands name? Don't pay attention to it.
Don't like a bands sound?
Don't listen to it.
I think we'll manage without you.
[Apr 3,2011 12:29pm - Alexecutioner ""]
i agree, if anything the only crime with someone thinking you have a bad band name is that they might be less likely to check you out. never thought Hivesmasher was a bad name, but its definitely their loss if they dont give you a listen as a result
[Apr 3,2011 2:24pm - dreadkill ""]

Alexecutioner said:i think one of the more retarded band names i have seen recently has got to be "Clever titles have parenthesis"
I hate that name too
[Apr 3,2011 2:34pm - burnsy ""]

Alexecutioner said:i think one of the more retarded band names i have seen recently has got to be "Clever titles have parenthesis"

I was devastated when I found out I missed their set at that show.
[Apr 3,2011 5:23pm - DaveMaggotCOTDS ""]
clever titles rules though
[Apr 3,2011 5:37pm - Alexecutioner ""]
i have nothing against them, but wasnt jumping off my seat to check em out either /shrug
[Apr 3,2011 5:43pm - DaveMaggotCOTDS ""]
word word
[Apr 3,2011 5:45pm - burnsy ""]

DaveMaggotCOTDS said:clever titles rules though

Maybe they do. Just not my thing.
[Apr 3,2011 6:04pm - Alexecutioner ""]

Alexecutioner said:i agree, if anything the only crime with someone thinking you have a bad band name is that they might be less likely to check you out. never thought Hivesmasher was a bad name, but its definitely their loss if they dont give you a listen as a result

definitely a victim of this myself, but i think most of us are. whenever i browse music blogs for new artists, i generally look for one of two things.

1) awesome band name

2) awesome artwork

you dont have to have either of these to be good, but in a world with a massive flood of music popping up every day, you need something to make you stand out, or i will just as easily move to the next one down the list
[Apr 3,2011 6:11pm - mutis ""]
I keep wanting to call it "hive masher". Reminds me of a gun you might find in borderlands.
[Apr 4,2011 8:33am - ouchdrummer ""]

Woah!_NLI! said:inb4 Boarcorpse

It's ok, We were already 2nd on the worst band names of all time list... ohhh-NOES!!!!
[Apr 4,2011 9:53am - Alexecutioner ""]

mutis said:I keep wanting to call it "hive masher". Reminds me of a gun you might find in borderlands.

haha yea i found that one too
[Apr 4,2011 10:24am - ouchdrummer ""]
"Lame" or "stupid" band names don't necessarily bother me, although certain types of band names do. It's hard to explain.... i actually like:
"The Tony Danza Tap Dance Extravaganza", but i don't like a lot of the "blank of the blank" names that i see so many of (typically in metalcore). Obviously, what it all comes down to is that people are going to not give you a chance because they don't like your name, or because they heard that you play a style that they don't like, or because you have a band member that was in a band that they don't like... or because you play a lot of shows with a band they don't like, or just because they plain ol aren't interested. These things are unavoidable, and honestly, if you spend too much time worrying about whether or not people will like your band name, you could be missing the point... because if you worry too much about that, are you also worrying too much about whether or not people will like your music? Because personally, i think the best music comes from people that only worry if the music is up to THEIR standards.
[Apr 4,2011 10:25am - ouchdrummer ""]
..but that's all from a guy in a band with a name that lots of people don't like. lolz
[Apr 4,2011 10:29am - Yeti ""]
a lot of band names are stupid, but that doesn't deter me. it's the really stupid ones that i don't care to pay attention to, like Success Will Write Apocalypse Across the Sky. they might be amazing, but i'll never know.
[Apr 4,2011 10:30am - ouchdrummer ""]
yeah. that one's over the top bad...
[Apr 4,2011 11:29am - the_reverend ""]
Shadowsd's post was the best of the thread.
[Apr 4,2011 4:34pm - snarlingmule ""]

TheGreatSpaldino said:
josh_hates_you said:only naming your band after a magic card is real.

d00d... lets start a band named Serra Angel! OR Sengir Vampire!

even better... Llanowar Elves!

i would go for Maritime Guard, myself.
[Apr 4,2011 4:39pm - reimroc ""]
Check out my new Power Metal project SHIVEN DRAGON
[Apr 4,2011 4:51pm - dreadkill ""]

Yeti said:a lot of band names are stupid, but that doesn't deter me. it's the really stupid ones that i don't care to pay attention to, like Success Will Write Apocalypse Across the Sky. they might be amazing, but i'll never know.
yeah, i think that's my least favorite band name ever. every time i see it, i get annoyed.
[Apr 4,2011 5:42pm - mattvc ""]

Yeti said:Success Will Write Apocalypse Across the Sky.

Wow, that's even worse than Jack Burton Vs David Lo Pan.
[Apr 4,2011 6:46pm - AndrewBastard ""]
Slar and I are staring a Seinfeld based joke/grind band called Lloyd Braun
[Apr 4,2011 6:48pm - Lamp ""]
I take it you've never heard of Gorey Gibbler... band that uses Seinfeld samples instead of vocals.
[Apr 4,2011 6:49pm - stupid jerk ass  ""]
Seingrind did it
[Apr 4,2011 6:50pm - stupid jerk ass  ""]
No wait, its called gorey gibbler
[Apr 4,2011 6:51pm - stupid jerk ass  ""]
Fuckin lamps
[Apr 4,2011 6:52pm - stupid jerk ass  ""]
georges grind machine = platinum
[Apr 5,2011 8:08pm - fuck you  ""]
kill yourself if your band name is not in english and you're from the states.
[Apr 5,2011 8:12pm - nekronaut ""]

fuck%20you said:kill yourself if your band name is not in english and you're from the states.

[Apr 5,2011 8:15pm - RustyPS ""]

mattvc said:
Yeti said:Success Will Write Apocalypse Across the Sky.

Wow, that's even worse than Jack Burton Vs David Lo Pan.

don't even front like your name isn't incredibly awesome
[Apr 6,2011 4:03pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
Only naming your band after experiences at Starbucks is real.


Pictured: One fuckin' A band.
[Apr 6,2011 5:13pm - Slymee NLI  ""]

fuck%20you said:kill yourself if your band name is not in english and you're from the states.

[Jun 25,2011 1:24am - Alx_Casket ""]

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