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Japan Nuclear Crisis: Nancy Grace vs. Science = ZOMGROFL

[Mar 27,2011 12:35am - the_reverend ""]
fucking hilarious.
[Mar 27,2011 1:52am - arilliusbm ""]
hate that biotch.
[Mar 27,2011 7:33am - reimroc ""]
yea shes a fucking moron.
[Mar 27,2011 10:40am - punk potenza  ""]
id love to watch her get raped by a van full of retards.
[Mar 27,2011 10:48am - arilliusbm ""]
I feel bad for the man who married that wench.
[Mar 27,2011 11:09am - my_dying_bride ""]
"Coming soon to the Nancy Grace show - Anyone who looks Japanese must be radioactive."
[Mar 27,2011 11:10am - Alexecutioner ""]
wouldnt be surprised if Nancy Grace starts telling people to wear SARS masks again, but this time to save you from the radiation emitted by "asians"
[Mar 27,2011 11:23am - IllinoisEnemaBradness ""]
wow. "your mouth, TO GOD'S EAR" With some of the other nonsense she's spouted God's gonna rape her before sending her to hell. I like how the guy, not even 5 seconds into it says "oh, here we go Nancy"
[Mar 27,2011 11:53am - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
Everyone seems to hate this bitch. Everyone I know, everyone here, everyone commenting on that article, etc....

So who the FUCK is watching her shows and buying her books? I don't get it. What does the elusive nancy grace fan look like?
[Mar 27,2011 12:16pm - the_taste_of_cigarettes ""]
It's cool, she was talking about "NucUler radiation".

Since that doesn't exist, we have nothing to worry about.

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