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[Mar 23,2011 3:54pm - Ucantdefinehipster  ""]
Check out their hip new facebook! http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/Liturgy/180638875316117?sk=info

Check out their hip new myspace!

[Mar 23,2011 3:55pm - burnsy ""]
Only social networking is transcendental.
[Mar 23,2011 4:04pm - Ucantdefinehipster  ""]
You really cant define what is and what isnt transcendental, you have to like listen to the like creative substratum of like chaotic post-feminist ecstatic energy and feel it...

you wouldnt understand...
[Mar 23,2011 4:07pm - transcendental floss  ""]
Wren Leader likes Liturgy and 6 other pages
3 minutes ago

[Mar 23,2011 4:19pm - Ucantdefinehipster  ""]
what a cliche response
[Mar 23,2011 4:28pm - Comeon!  ""]
Come on! Those troll pages are too much, take them down!

Liturgy is trying to make it as a band just like everyone else, besides, they are bringing some intelectualism to the genre.

why dont you find something better to do with your time! At least liturgy is out there making well liked music and thats more than whoever made that troll page can say!!
[Mar 23,2011 4:34pm - NO U  ""]

Comeon! said:Come on!

[Mar 23,2011 4:39pm - Mutis ""]
only hipster black metal critics making fun of hipster black metal critics is real
[Mar 23,2011 4:43pm - The_Rooster ""]
I lol'd.
[Mar 23,2011 4:55pm - Comeon!  ""]
Maybe they make you feel insecure because of their extensive vocabulary and un-traditional style.
[Mar 23,2011 4:55pm - Mutis ""]
ITT: Bands anonymously trolling themselves to increase traffic to their websites.
[Mar 23,2011 6:47pm - ggallen666  ""]
It is much better that this band be famous for being a stupid joke than for any other reason. They are already very popular amongst the hipsters, time to troll the fuck out of this band.
[Mar 23,2011 9:55pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Haha, priceless.
[Mar 24,2011 12:44am - barbelo  ""]
I wanna see Liturgy and Krallice in a cage match
[Mar 24,2011 2:13am - ggallen666  ""]

barbelo said:I wanna see Liturgy and Krallice in a cage match

I am pretty sure they would just end up ass fucking eachother, you know how 'comfortable' with their sexuality these sexually 'open-minded' hipsters are.

Though if such a cage mach DID occur ANYWAY I think that the guy from liturgy would definantly take bottom, and that kid is a little girl so the fags from krallice might get charged with statutory rape.
[Mar 24,2011 2:14am - Randy_Marsh ""]
guys, lithugry or whatever is real black metal...just shaddup already!
[Mar 24,2011 2:15am - ggallen666  ""]
Would it be transcendental ass rape?

Is that the secret to their style?
[Mar 24,2011 2:19am - Randy_Marsh ""]
no, lithurgy is nsbm.
[Mar 24,2011 2:19am - ggallen666  ""]

[Mar 24,2011 12:53pm - ITSCOOL!!!  ""]


[Mar 24,2011 12:55pm - reimroc ""]
the amount of mad and butthurt caused by this band is HILARIOUS.
[Mar 24,2011 1:48pm - Clisthert ""]
Funny video of what SHOULD happen:

[Mar 24,2011 1:50pm - Clisthert ""]
that video was already posted in another thread, but I had to repost it, its just to funny/awesome.
[Mar 27,2011 2:51pm - bobnomaamrooney ""]
Posted the "Transcendental Black Metal" macro to Liturgy's last.fm on Wednesday, became main photo on their page yesterday.

/r/ is spreading.
[Mar 27,2011 4:17pm - xmikex ""]
No one tell Josh Phillips that this information leaked to the public.
[Mar 27,2011 6:32pm - DestroyYouAlot ""]

bobnomaamrooney said:Posted the "Transcendental Black Metal" macro to Liturgy's last.fm on Wednesday, became main photo on their page yesterday.

/r/ is spreading.

[Mar 27,2011 8:19pm - Blessed_Offal ""]
I just read an interview with the dude from this band and i can officially say THIS BAND CAN FUCK OFF
[Mar 27,2011 11:16pm - 2tru4u  ""]
This band is so tru you guys just don't understand because his vocabulary is too big.

I have seen these guys live and they defy convention not just musically, but spiritually and sexually. True black metal is about unbound sexual chaos. I know for a fact that hunter-hendrix is a badass because he can handle more dick than all of you at once. I saw 3 black men mount him and force their foot long subs into his ass and mouth. It was the blackest thing I had ever seen at a black metal show.
[Mar 27,2011 11:20pm - RichHorror ""]

[Mar 27,2011 11:37pm - Nocuous_Fumes ""]
This just in, my sources tell me that Liturgy sells copies of their Manifesto at shows. I wish I was kidding.
[Mar 27,2011 11:41pm - 2tru4u  ""]
They also sell their bodies
[Mar 27,2011 11:42pm - 2tru4u  ""]
I too, wish I were kidding
[Mar 28,2011 1:40am - goatcatalyst ""]

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