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Goatwhore @ the palladium

[May 22,2004 10:40am - subjugate ""]
Sat 08/14/04 Cattle Decapitation
Sat 08/14/04 Decapitated
Sat 08/14/04 Goatwhore
Sat 08/14/04 The Black Dahlia Murder
Sat 08/14/04 Watch Them Die
[May 22,2004 11:08am - JellyFish ""]
[May 22,2004 11:18am - JellyFish ""]
This isnt listed on the palladium website, where did you find it?
[May 22,2004 11:22am - subjugate ""]
[May 22,2004 11:24am - assuck ""]
sweet fuckin deal. i could do without black dahlia murder and watch them die, but oh well
[May 22,2004 12:00pm - Aleks  ""]
HOLY FUCK!!!!! YES!!! That made my day.
[May 22,2004 12:11pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
Im definately going... fucking A right, in the words of Dr. Gonzo
[May 22,2004 1:41pm - swamplorddvm ""]
[May 22,2004 2:04pm - moran ""]
Fucking awesome. I can't wait.
[May 22,2004 2:06pm - RustedAngel ""]
goatwhore is boring.
[May 22,2004 2:11pm - moran ""]
You're boring
[May 22,2004 2:22pm - Terence ""]
Goatwhore is boring. Decapitated is awesome.
[May 22,2004 2:22pm - RustedAngel ""]
i'm hurt.
[May 22,2004 2:22pm - RustedAngel ""]
Terence said:Goatwhore is boring. Decapitated is awesome.

[May 22,2004 3:28pm - the_reverend ""]
ben makes goatwhore.
[May 22,2004 5:06pm - Aegathis ""]
Goatwhore isnt headlining are they? I sure hope they do a longer set than at the nile show. And no they dont suck!!
[May 22,2004 5:08pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
Decapitated should be headlining. I want to go just for them and Goatwhore.
[May 22,2004 7:51pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
black dahlia murder and cattle decapitation here.... FUCK YES
[May 22,2004 7:55pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
The_ExhumeD said:black dahlia murder and cattle decapitation here.... FUCK YES

two of the most boring bands.

why do people liek black dahlia murder. didn't at the gates do that shit years ago and do it better?

cattle decapitation? grind was good until stuff like this started coming out.
[May 22,2004 7:59pm - AUTOPSY_666 ""]

[May 22,2004 8:02pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
attendmyrequiem said:The_ExhumeD said:black dahlia murder and cattle decapitation here.... FUCK YES

two of the most boring bands.

why do people liek black dahlia murder. didn't at the gates do that shit years ago and do it better?

cattle decapitation? grind was good until stuff like this started coming out.

dude first off no one could ever top at the gates there one of my favorite bands, and to answer your question I like black dahlia murder becuase they have a similiar sound and arnt the same stereotypical death metal band that everyone else wants to go and see. And yes I want to see cattle decapitation becuase IVe heard really good things.
If your going for goatwhore FUCK YOU, their new album really isnt that great and talk about boring. For fucks sakes man get ahold of yourself and pull your head out of yours ass before you make stupid remarks based on your own opinions.

[May 22,2004 8:07pm - attendmyrequiem ""]
The_ExhumeD said:For fucks sakes man get ahold of yourself and pull your head out of yours ass before you make stupid remarks based on your own opinions.

I think that was the point of my comment and pretty much all the other ones I make, so what's yours?

If you are going to that show and you aren't going for Decapitated I could care less what comments you throw back in arguement since they are obviously of bad taste.
[May 22,2004 8:10pm - The_ExhumeD ""]
I shouldnt have to have a point. I should just be let alone when I say Black dahlia murder and cattle decapitation, FUCK YES!

thats all. now excuse while I go listen to some decapitated.

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