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NH's Vaettir seeks bass player.

[Mar 20,2011 11:23am - vaettir ""]
We are getting ready to record for a split CD in the next couple of months, with a full length to follow. Possible mini-tour later in the year. 21+ ! If you haven't heard our tracks go to myspace.com/vaettirnh . We practice in Concord, NH.
[Mar 20,2011 11:30am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
Good luck, guys.
[Mar 20,2011 11:48am - MillenialKingdom ""]
Is Gregg officially on guitar now?
[Mar 20,2011 11:53am - vaettir  ""]
Gregg is on guitar and writes a good amount of the music now. He'll probably play bass in the studio if we don't find someone in time
[Mar 20,2011 11:58am - largefreakatzero ""]
You guys practice in Concord? Is it one of your houses or is there actually somewhere that rents jam spaces in town?
[Mar 20,2011 12:00pm - vaettir  ""]
Right in my basement. Sure as hell beats paying Morgan's $350 a month.
[Mar 20,2011 12:04pm - largefreakatzero ""]
Yeah, I am growing tired of paying Charlie Morgan. Oh well.
[Mar 20,2011 12:10pm - vaettir  ""]
Everything was ok there until they started leaving love notes in our room. The hell us NH bands have to go through. I'm just fortunate I have a house now
[Mar 22,2011 5:52pm - vaettir  ""]

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