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[QUOTE="arilliusbm:1183593"]and that "ticket" that that one person mentioned: Last year, this blog was involved itself on this file. It did not do it only and tied up with the passing of the time of the contacts with associations, personalities, métalleux. And that continues. The action, as I wrote it to several returns, embodies itself in the length. The metal is a world in which co-existent many sensitivenesses, so in terms of musical kind that of beliefs or of non-beliefs. Ostraciser the metal "on the whole" and has its followers would be to commit a discernment error, which prevents not nevertheless a gait "critical " It is an evidence in fact that certain groups carry messages of hate, of violence, of pornography, of christianophobie or of wickedness; and sometimes several of these "claims". That puts problem and one can only to astonish itself that the authorities leave to do. Has one crushing majority, the métalleux are indifferent or agnostic and little declare themselves really athés, has fortiori satanistes. This indifference or this rejection more or less virulent have several sources. Who can be the education or the received teachings, exterior influences, behavioral counter-examples of Catholics of yesterday or of today, a loss of faith, the religion percue as an alienation ... but also a phenomenon of entrainement, experiences ésotériques, and for certain a claimed allegiance to the prince of the darkness, as for Marylin Manson and a lot of others of which the hellfest is a window, among others. For a part of the métalleux, "God does not exist and would be a judaeo-christian invention destined to transform the men in sheep and to park them in spaces grillagés by the social prohibitions". This is not besides, is said while passing, a manner to see clean to the metals. It is a constant one in all the laïcismes, that they be liberal, socialist, Communist, Fascist, Nazis... One has all in memory the sentence of Marx "the religion, this is the opium of the people" or the one of Voltaire "Crush the Infamous one!", the infamous being the Christ and the church. . Curiously, one observes that the metal created itself, in 40 years of existence, codes, beliefs, symbolic, rites, a language, pictures, a rhetoric, events, concerts big ...brief masses a body of attitudes and of claimed behaviors to the choice, in the name of: a "culture" liberated of any constraint, a "culture" new, An "against culture ". The slogans of the hellfest of this year" Our music, our religion " or" our music, our battle " are not therefore surprising and a lot of métalleux will meet again in this double assertion: "Does what you want will be the very law " and" lives fully what you feel in you". On the other hand, number of métalleux must not know the author of these 2 assertions. These behavioral realities are studied by just as well the Fathers Robert Culat and Benoit Domergue or again the sociologist Nicolas Walzer or John Mary Dessaivre. They there study the one and the different others aspects of the metal including the direction given by the "culture metal" to the evil, to the death, to the suffering, to the power, to the darkness, to God, to Satan also. Has breadth these approaches, we let's discover the direction that the métalleux give to their life, to liberty, to love, to solidarity, to the relation to the other, to the pleasure, to the happiness... What is interesting, beyond the approach differences and/or sensitivenesses of these specialists, it is that they recognize all finally that there is in the metal of the dangerous tendencies as well as sectarian drifts in power, which the Mivilude confirms while warning: The constant attendance together of Metal is not without risk. At the time of the round table in 2010, Robert Culat will have these words concerning the extreme groups: "Forgive their, they do not know what they do" while the Father Domergue said of his side "it IS unacceptable". " Forgive their, they do not know what they do " : not all, and I want here to talk about the organizers, of their supports and groups that put problem. " IT IS innaceptable " : surely to the look of the programming and poster 2011, while recalling to the passage that in the programming of the furyfest of which the hellfest is the heir already figured extreme groups. Par this 1st ticket, I want to address myself first to the métalleux as the fact besides the sly one. If I am disposed to the dialog, it is necessary that this one is done between concerned people of respect, able constructive confrontation and of listen. Capable for example to wonder, in truth, on the party of shadow and of light of the metal, on the direction of the words respect, culture as well as on the relations of the extreme metal with the mouvance sataniste. Etre criticizes on the corporation and the Christianity: OK! But with reciprocity and certainly not in hate and the provocation! While observing, to the passage, that the metal extrème keeps itself well to attack itself to the Moslem religion or Jew: is of course what I wish but for a culture claiming itself "transgressive" is rather "shouting at" as one says! If hundreds of thousands of Christians are injured, does not there have does it t-il place to take it into account and to hear it? All these injured Christians are not anyway all of the stunned ones as it is written for example on blogs of métalleux and concerning me. While pointing out that for my party, I never attacked the people while treating them morons as I read it on a blog that I will not quote. And if the Catholics are not all white, the metal the is it? When the group Sexion of assault is forbidden together, does not there have does it t-il place to wonder when at the same time, groups inviting to attitudes and gestures ouvertement against cultural or cathophobes are authorized? Why is so many hate wondering besides Radio Metal ? Does the debate serve or does she serve the picture of the metal? Is it necessary to await a justice decision, inevitable if nothing budges? When Anal Cunt is invited, to that will do t one to believe that this is folklore? The national férération of the prisoner and committed has reacted dailleurs. Some think that this questioning will be without continuation: one will see well...the coming from such a questioning does not belong me. On the other hand, the questioning relating to the Christian culture and to the culture all current, this is all other thing... The metal goes does it t-il to enter into the adult age as the manuscript Nicolas Walzer? The métalleux they at last will disconnect themselves from these attitudes and unworthy behaviors of a claimed culture as tolerant... and to mean it clearly? [/QUOTE]
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