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you are quoting a heck of a lot there.
[QUOTE]blah blah blah[/QUOTE] to reply to arilliusbm.
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[QUOTE="arilliusbm:1183590"]and the comments: To do simple, let's say that Anal Cunt vehicle a humor that one not very qualified of "bad taste". Can one to laugh of all? The eternal question... For my, leaves I respect too the memory of the old ones that fought the nazisme and which hides itself behind certain texts of Anal Cunt puts me uncomfortable. It is not the idea that I does myself the Metal. The orga was justified in to cancel this group, she would not have besides never of the to program it. Smoke grass this is forbidden and dangerous = cancel Electric Wizard! Cramer of grass and guys in camps of concentrations, this is not really the same trip. Takes a little height crincrin I want just to say that one has the right to say what one wants and that is at the organizer to reflect in upstream on the timeliness to invite a group. Everyone has a sensitiveness on such or such subject: dead, religion, suicide, history. Did Slayer play Hellfest no? despite SS on scratch them. Similar for Electric Wizard that has also symbols SS on his guitar. Anal Cunt are just of the low provocative guignols of the forehead. This is at the extremist and to the pees cold to take a little height. I understand not too the organizers of the Hellfest. They seem to yield easily to the exterior pressures. This is not the first time that they cancel. Then why to register to the poster of the groups that they will be constrained to withdraw afterward? In fact it would be necessary to furnish to the orgas an official list of the reasonable subjects, classified does more engrave at least engraves, matching of the level of serious permit in the treatment desdits subject (1st degree, 2È degree, fine humor/black/feeble). There at least one would be quiet and one would do sort it in what is acceptable for the beautiful French corporation of the XXIe s. THERE A not to say, it is beautiful the progress. I will quote only the sentence of Rock Desproges: "One can laugh of all, but not with does not import that" Unfortunately in France this is well complicated... In any case that feared engraves for the Hellfest, because after the Christians, it is the former fighters who itself there put and every time that walks. As soon as someone brings back his mouth, the organization yields, in two or three hellfest it no longer will remain than of the groups mainstream. Hello, I invite you to read my ticket below: http://www.citeetculture.com/article-hellfest-precisions-59884814.html And to follow the wire of my bills devoted to the hellfest. Satanic Warmaster was canceled after protest, in left, métalleux: honor to them! The programming 2011 can unfortunately only to make obvious a certain turn of spirit of the hellfest that can drive only to an ostracisation of the metal and métalleux that are it already well enough! The métalleux are more and more Addition: The métalleux are more and more to the heart of the debate![/QUOTE]
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