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crazy glassjaw show 3.24 nyc

[Mar 13,2011 5:12pm - xanonymousx ""]
[Mar 13,2011 6:33pm - reimroc ""]
napalm death and glassjaw together? dayum.
[Mar 13,2011 8:50pm - goatcatalyst ""]
This isn't as phat as buttdarts think it is.
[Mar 14,2011 8:46am - oscarct ""]
Where does it say Napalm Death?
[Mar 14,2011 9:07am - Garth Algar  ""]
Hmmm yesterday it said Napalm Death. Napalm Death shouldn't play with those homos anyway.
[Mar 14,2011 9:08am - Garth Algar  ""]
Apparently there are 2 flyers. Click that bitch a couple times and you'll see it.
[Mar 14,2011 9:41am - The_Rooster ""]
2 shows. 1 w/ VOD, 1 w/ Napalm.
[Mar 14,2011 11:34am - Pires ""]
Vision awake
I'll try someday, vision, is okay.....
V.O.D., for all my boys
V.O.D., for all my friends,
V.O.D., for the enemies,
You shall fall.
Time and time again, you've respected me,
Time and time again, you've rejected me,
Time and time again, with consistency,
Time and time again...
So stand for yourself,
One time in your life just stand for yourself.
Vision of Disorder coming straight for your face,
Straight for your face...
Choke, you choke, Jesus Christ you beg for?

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