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Secondly, i dont know what perpendicular means.....

[Mar 12,2011 8:28am - demondave ""]
but im pretty this video has nothing to do with pornography. leave your smut bullshit to another topic, moran.

MSD = pure gold
[Mar 12,2011 10:45am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
"what's 'superimposed'?"
[Mar 12,2011 10:48am - reimroc ""]
superimposed technosmut will be the next single to be released by rttp super group chinatown fucksaw. it comes after their first epic single dildo spill.

ok seriously this needs to happen now.
[Mar 12,2011 10:54am - DestroyYouAlot ""]
lulz @ "chinatown fucksaw"
[Mar 12,2011 11:04am - Alexecutioner ""]

reimroc said:it comes after their first epic single dildo spill.

Eric from CSDO started a new band?
[Mar 12,2011 11:14am - reimroc ""]
i don't know who this eric or csdo fellow is but dildo spill is copyright DYA from a thread. too late, constitution, nato and satan protects the rights.
[Mar 12,2011 11:25am - Alexecutioner ""]
Yea, that's because DYA was directing it towards Eric
[Mar 12,2011 11:32am - reimroc ""]
[Mar 12,2011 11:36am - DestroyYouAlot ""]

reimroc said:i don't know who this eric or csdo fellow is but dildo spill is copyright DYA from a thread. too late, constitution, nato and satan protects the rights.

Also NAFTA, the LPGA, and the AARP. No, wait, it's "HAARP". Yeah, that. (Yes, my copyrights are enforced by evil satellite, what of it?)

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