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new The Human Abstract:

[Mar 8,2011 7:11pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
Anyone heard it yet? Curious. Makes me want to hear more old stuff. Singer has some original moments, and the guitar is spastic and wonderful. It's like a Protest the Hero for heterosexuals.
[Mar 8,2011 7:17pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
Sorry, clipz are in order.

[Mar 8,2011 7:21pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]

[Mar 8,2011 10:05pm - moenli  ""]
this stuffs not bad...nice dudes too...hung out with them while they were tracking this album one day last summer
[Mar 8,2011 10:21pm - the_reverend ""]
Tapley is the man. I absolutely love the music, composition, and flowing continual ideas of their albums. I just don't like the vocals. I do like the vocals in this.
[Mar 8,2011 10:22pm - the_reverend ""]
I believe they are playing rockos on 3/29
[Mar 8,2011 10:42pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
Rev, it's a new singer.
[Mar 8,2011 11:33pm - the_reverend ""]
I thought so from the sound, but looking close.. it could have been the same guy.
[Mar 8,2011 11:39pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
Them kids all look alike now. With their long hair and tight pants, they all look like girls.

Wow, I've skipped my dad and turned right into my grandfather.
[Mar 8,2011 11:49pm - burnsy ""]
Arrowhead, pretty sure I saw you in Abington today. Got rid of the Mitsubishi?
[Mar 9,2011 1:09am - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
Got rid of that car years ago, but I haven't left my house in days.
[Mar 9,2011 1:16am - arilliusbm ""]

burnsy said:Arrowhead, pretty sure I saw you in Abington today. Got rid of the Mitsubishi?

Pretty sure I saw you at Christo's eating Greek Salad last week.
[Mar 9,2011 3:37pm - ArrowHeadNLI ""]
Okay, now that I've heard the whole album:


This is a freakin masterpiece.

Check this one out - new vocalist is better than I expected and more:


And the guitarwork is just mind-bending.

And Burnsy, you need to call me sometime.
[Mar 9,2011 7:52pm - the_reverend ""]
Basically every one of their albums is a masterpiece. Most metalbands just make a collection of songs and put them on a CD, but these guys do it right. They have the same album writing style as relatively few other metal band outside god forbid, buried inside, rosetta, maybe btbam, and mouth of the architect where ideas and concepts, and music are played through the ablum. This ties all the tracks together in an ablum that you listen to front to back. I'm hoping that this new singer schools the old singer. A lot of the old singers vocals were like a speed bump for my ears when I would listen.
[Mar 9,2011 7:53pm - reimroc ""]
I really never thought this would halpin.

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