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New Bury Your Dead album "Mosh and Roll" out summer 2011

[Mar 4,2011 10:12am - Jim Where It Ends  ""]
New interview with Slim B(Brendan Macdonald) who plays guitar for Bury Your Dead, also previously of Blood Has Been Shed and Hamartia is up now on Where It Ends Blog and Zine. We talk about the new album "Mosh and Roll" (first with Mat Bruso back on vocals), out summer 2011 on Mediaskare Records. We also talk about the situation with their ex vocalist Myke, touring plans and more!

[Mar 4,2011 10:26am - BlessedOffal ""]

[Mar 4,2011 10:27am - xmikex ""]
[Mar 4,2011 10:34am - Yeti ""]
can we Bury Our Alive?
[Mar 4,2011 10:35am - the_reverend ""]
<3 matt <3
[Mar 4,2011 11:12am - timma ""]
Do not want.
[Mar 4,2011 11:17am - moenli  ""]
yea, i'm VERY pumped for this release
[Mar 4,2011 11:38am - aaron_michael ""]
I feel they're about 7 years too late with this album title. Just call it "The WAAF hits"
[Mar 4,2011 11:39am - goatcatalyst ""]
This poop tastes like shit
[Mar 4,2011 12:55pm - Woah!_Shut_It_Down! ""]
Shit title is shit, captain.
[Mar 4,2011 6:08pm - MillenialKingdom ""]
Mark not being in the band or even recording this album is stupid. Not even bringing Mat back would fill that kind of void.
[Mar 4,2011 11:19pm - moenli  ""]
umm, mark did track this...

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